Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Cognitive Coaching Essay

The Effects of Cognitive Coaching on Education and in Supporting Teacher Leadership â€Å"Creating a profession of teaching in which teachers have the opportunity for continual learning is the likeliest way to inspire greater achievement for children, especially those for whom education is the only pathway to survival and success† (Sumner, 2011, p. 10). Educators today are required to have a different set of skills to effectively prepare students to be global competitors in the workplace. Educators cannot make these alterations in teaching methodology and instructional delivery without support. Coaches support and encourage teachers, improve teacher strategies, promote teacher reflection, and focus on desired outcomes (Sumner, 2011). A key ingredient for improving student achievement is high quality leadership. Although leadership skills may come naturally for some, most educators need some form of practice and coaching to become high quality leaders (Patti & Holzer, 2012). What is Cognitive Coaching? Cognitive coaching is a relationship that is learner-centered, where the person being coached is an active participant in their learning process. The coach is responsible for creating an environment that is sensitive to the participant’s needs, providing ample opportunity for self-reflection which enables the participant to learn from their own unique experiences. Garmston (1993) stated: Cognitive Coaching is a process during which teachers explore the thinking behind their practices. Each person seems to maintain a cognitive map, only partially conscious. In Cognitive Coaching, questions asked by the coach reveal to the teacher areas of that map that may not be complete or consciously developed. When teachers talk out loud about their thinking, their decisions become clearer to them, and their awareness increases (p. 57). The relationship that evolves through cognitive coaching is based on a journey of self-discovery for both the coach and the coached individual. The coach is equally responsible for reflecting and learning from their own experiences in an effort to providing the best guidance to the coached individual throughout their coaching relationship. If mentors are to facilitate learning of their mentees, they can best begin by being in touch with the forces in their own lives (Zachary, 2000). The learning that takes place in stages is the focal point of cognitive coaching. Cognitive coaching uses a three-phase cycle: pre-conference, observation, and post-conference. These cycles are used for the sole purpose of helping the teacher improve instructional effectiveness by becoming more reflective about teaching (Garmston, 1993). Cognitive Coaching asserts that instructional behavior is a reflection of beliefs; teachers must analyze and change their beliefs in order to change their behaviors. Coaches ask teachers to reflect on their beliefs about the classroom to facilitate making changes or improvements (Patti & Holzer, 2012). Cognitive Coaching in Education The most valuable asset in the education profession is its human capital – teachers and administrators. Unfortunately, these professionals are typically given limited opportunities throughout their career to enhance their knowledge and skills enabling them to be more effective teachers and leaders. Newly hired recruits into the profession usually receive coaching for a few months during their first year of employment, but the majority will gain experience through their own trial and error. According to Patti & Holzer (2012): Professional development opportunities for teachers and administrators who function in a leadership capacity are often too scarce or narrow in focus to cultivate lasting and effective improvement. Most school systems regularly provide teacher educators with just two or three days per year of professional development, typically aimed at improving literacy and mathematics scores. Effective professional development happens when the adult learner connects personally to the new learning. When educators participate in reflective practices that cultivate self-awareness, emotion management, social awareness, and relationship management, they are in a better position to deliver high quality instruction and leadership (p. 264). The education profession can benefit from implementing cognitive coaching as a way of helping teachers and administrators expand their professional development through self-observation, self-reflection, and self-feedback. An analysis of the findings from these factors will help the professional to become aware of their own self-imposed limitations. In education, coaching has traditionally supported teachers in the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities that target student achievement (Patti & Holzer, 2012). The effects of cognitive coaching on teacher efficacy has been positively correlated to increased student performance. Sumner (2011) offers: Coaching is a key method for helping teachers improve student achievement and school culture. Much of this potential school improvement comes from educating teachers in how to be reflective about their practice and in learning how to establish an equal relationship based on mutual desire to improve. Perhaps most importantly, ―a culture of coaching improves teaching and improves student learning (p.47). While the ultimate goal of cognitive coaching is to help foster change in the thinking patterns and behaviors of the coached individual – the end result of this endeavor is improved student performance. Professional development can only work if it is focused on both student and teacher learning and a culture of support for and valuing of quality staff development is present (Sumner, 2011). Cognitive Coaching Supporting Teacher Leadership Cognitive coaching allows teachers to take ownership of their professional development by encouraging them to be accountable of their cognitive learning process. The self-reflection that is involved in cognitive coaching coupled with professional vision enables teachers to become a catalyst of change both in the classroom and beyond. Patti & Holzer (2012) stated: The coaching relationship provides a safe haven for mindful attention to self-change in the areas of self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management. It is through this individual process that the teacher and administrative leader positively impact the culture and climate of the classroom and school (p. 270). Every teacher has the capabilities to improve their knowledge and skill and cognitive coaching affords the opportunity of exploration into one’s self, challenging old beliefs and habits, emerging a better, stronger leader. Leadership is not mobilizing others to solve problems we already know how to solve, but to help them confront problems that have never yet been successfully addressed (Fullan, 2007). The reflection learned through cognitive coaching helps develop problem-solving skills as teachers examine their experience, generate alternatives, and evaluate actions. Educators need to model risk taking, open-mindedness, and continuous learning to create schools that are communities of learners (Garmston, 1993). Conclusion â€Å"Effective leaders work on their own and others’ emotional development. There is no greater skill needed for sustainable improvement† (Fullan, 2007). Cognitive coaching enables educators to develop unexplored potential, while expanding their repertoire of teaching methodologies. The implementation of cognitive coaching increases student achievement and teacher efficacy, produce higher order teacher thinking, and provides teacher support (Sumner, 2011). Great schools grow when educators understand that the power of their leadership lies in the strength of their relationships. Strong leadership in schools results from the participation of many people, each leading in his or her own way (Donaldson, 2007). Cognitive coaching is the key to educators’ unlocking their inner power to profoundly impact students’ learning.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Islam: a Controversial and Sensitive Issue Essay

After the September 11, 2001 attack on America, as a nation we became more interested as to what is Islam? In this paper, I shall attempt to define what Islam is, its teachings and how it has impacted the world, in relation to other religions, especially Judaism and Christianity. The word Islam has a two- fold meaning; peace and submission to God. The submission requires a fully conscious and willing effort to submit to one Almighty God, consciously gives oneself to the service of Allah. In the teachings of Islam there are five pillars 1) Declaration of faith(Shadada), 2) Prayer(Salah), 3) Obligatory Charity(Zakah), 4) Fasting(Sarom), and 5) Pilgrimage(Haji),of the five the most significant one is the pillar of faith.(Fanar,1997) The declaring of one’s belief outwardly is a true sign of belief. By stating â€Å"There is none worthy of worship except Allah and Mohammed is the final messenger of Allah† it lets others in the Islamic community know that you are truly dedicated. (Manzlawy, 2010) Islam embraces a huge range of nationalities and cultures; the Muslim/Islamic community is made up of people from all over the world; with each culture or nationality having different interpretation of Islam with the majority of the Islamic community observing the daily ritual of prayer and other teachings. Despite the fact that Islam has been fully incorporated into the American culture and way of life, most Americans still perceive Islam as being inclined towards encouraging violence amongst its members. (Kabbini,2000) For centuries the Islamic societies have been patriarchal based, where the male member runs the household. Biology is used to justify this as women are the only ones who can bear children and they argue that the man must provide and maintain the family so that the woman can do her job of bearing and raising the children. Women also have long been  considered the culture bearers by incorporating the Islamic traditions and values within the home. Up until the 21st century, the Islamic woman had little say in divorce and even initiating one. Since the turn of the century, significant reforms for women have occurred in the majority of the Muslim countries. Reforms for including education for women, the right to work outside the home, to vote, to hold a public office, to now seek a divorce with the right to financial compensation and one major significant reform the prohibition of child marriages.(Azeem,2012) According to Islamic teachings women should adhere to a specific way of dressing, they need to lower their gaze, guard their modesty and at no time display their beauty or ornamentation except what must appear. Veils are to be drawn over one’s bosom and their beauty is not displayed except to their husbands, fathers, father-in-law, sons, brothers or brother-in-laws. In certain areas of the world the Muslim men wear beards and don’t shave them off, they do however trim them. Most Muslims eat with their right hand even if left handed, as the left hand is relegated to bathroom usage. Some of the other practices that were introduced by cultures/societies that accepted Islam are: * Middle East-men kissing each other on each as a form of greeting * West Africa-upon greeting someone will put their hand on one’s head * Pakistan-prostrating oneself when one’s child has reach 40days ( There are several similarities between Islam, Christianity and Judaism; all believe to be descendants of Abraham. * All are monotheistic in regards to beliefs, as they all call same God worship. * All follow basic ten commandments * All call for same basic ritual worships; prayer, fasting, alms giving * All follow the same moral values that govern human relationships The Muslims/Islamic people call the Christians and Jews as â€Å"people of the book† as they see them as holders of God’s holy books the Torah and the Bible.(Fanar,1997) The Muslim/Islamic people believe that these books are a revelation of God to the prophets Moses and Jesus respectively. They believe not only in one God but the same God/Allah. The similarities among the three  are probably greater than the differences as Muslims follow the teachings of all previous prophets of Judaism and Christianity. The major difference is that Islam doesn’t believe that Jesus was God’s Son that he was one of the prophets, that he wasn’t crucified but that he was lifted up to heaven and will return prior to doomsday and that this was a final revelation to the Prophet Mohammed and was received as the Holy Qur’an. Another difference is that Islam teaches in comparison to Christianity and Judaism is that God is distant and uninvolved in everyday lives of its followers; Christianity holds that God is intimately involved in the lives of believers and that a believer can have a vibrant relationship with God. Faith based conflict and religious violence threatens our world. According to Dr. David Liepert, a prominent North American Muslim candidly explores how and why Islam has gone from being a religion that sustained a vibrant multicultural and multi-religious civilization to the one we have today. In the end he does offer hope that Muslims, Jews and Christians can live together in peace and that the happy ending we all crave might be closer than one thinks. (Liepert, 2010).Since Muslims are taught to treat one another like brothers, they treat others generously. Most Christians, Jews and Muslims understand that there are differences in the way they worship; they therefore respect each other in regards to religious practices. Muslims use a greeting â€Å"Asalam Aleikum† which means peace be upon you and is used by all Muslims to greet each other. (Arnold2007 Depending on the area or region this greeting may be accompanied by a handshake or hug. The issue of Muslims greeting non-Muslims is still a difficult issue with different groups of people with different views and opinions. There are those who will argue that Muslims should initiate greetings with people of other religions so to promote harmony among societies. Muslims cannot live alone in their communities and to ensure peace among the people that they live with (Arnold, 2007). In conclusion, Islam is the second largest and fastest growing religion in the world today. Muslims believe in the teachings of the Holy Qur’an and strictly follow these teachings. Islam teaches peace and to be preach the message of peace. Muslims reside in all countries of the world with Indonesia having the largest number, although the majority of the world believes that most Muslims reside in the Middle East. The regions where one resides greatly influences their beliefs and cultures; Muslim/Islamic women are to dress in loose fitting clothes, do not shake hands with male members of the community. All Muslims follow the five pillars of Islamic teachings which dictate how one should behave towards God and towards others. Muslims believe in one God who is a supreme being to all others, being a Muslims means that one submits to the teachings of the Islamic faith. The differences between Christianity, Judaism, and Islam differ in various beliefs like the aspect of God: Allah for Muslims who is the Supreme Being worshipped by man. Christians in turn believe in the trinity of God: the father, son and Holy Spirit. The Jews believe in one God and the teachings of traditions, prophets and rabbis. That one day Messiah will come to  reunite and return to the Garden of Eden thus unifying with God. References Fanar, Q. (1997). Understanding Islam (2nd Ed.) Houston, Tex. Darussalam Publisher Azeem, S (2012). Women in Islam. Raleigh, NC. Lulu Enterprises Inc. Mawzlawy, W. (2010). Question and Answers about Islam. EBook Kabbini, M. (2000, June). Muslim Experience in America is Unprecedented. Middle East Quarterly. 7. 61-72 Liepert, D. (2010). Muslim, Christian and Jew: Finding a Path to Peace Our Faiths Can Share. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Faith Life Publishing. Muslim Culture and Traditions (2012). Retrieved December 13, 2012 from Comparison Chart. (2012). retrieved December13, 2012 from McMann, Carmelita. (2012) Interviewed December 12, 2012.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Preschool Childrens Reading Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Preschool Childrens Reading - Research Paper Example The importance of motivating children’s reading in information this technology era. Reading is integral in the process of educating children (Alderman, 2013). However, for children to read and study effectively they need an incentive that would lure them into the process (Brock et al., 2008). Therefore, the imperativeness of motivating their reading is of utmost importance (Blachowicz et al., 2006). The reading techniques, teaching procedures, curriculum contents and the aesthetic environment are also foremost. Technological factors can also be incorporated into reading with regard to the era of dynamic technological advancements (Brock et al., 2008). The significance of preschool educators in promoting children’s reading is highly related to children’s language, social, emotional, and aesthetic development (Becker, McElvany & Kortenbruck, 2010). While trying to promote children’s reading habits, the educator’s should take the popular language into consideration.Children are likely to enjoy readings that are encrypted in a language that they can easily relate to (Bishop et al., 2010). Understanding is integral in the reading process and relevant reading languages foster the children’s understanding of the materials that they are reading. Social and emotional aspects also have a bearing on children’s reading habits. Therefore, educators should consider the children’s attitudes towards reading because this is a core indicator of their emotions towards the same.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Computer H Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Computer H - Essay Example The statutes and charters in these industries do not distinguish the variations in such technologies. This advocates for the frequent lawsuits between companies and transnational organizations. Moreover, the patent laws in the industry emphasis on flexibility due to the vast growth and development of new technologies (Jordan, 2012). Competition is always a significant element in all industries but in computer technology production sharing ideas on areas such as graphic user interface and operating systems is not a major issue because novelty and innovation are the key determinants of success in such an industry. Relatively, the flexibility aspect of the patent laws and system in general only give protection on a neutral perspective hence making it easy for a company such as Apple to sue Samsung (Grandoni, 2013). Due to the constant lawsuit in the last decade, some of the recent advancements in the computer industry entailed the expansion of a wide scope of the patent laws in different technologies. A good example is on software development where firms like Apple, Microsoft or even Google have no idea on the patents they overstep because they operate at an international level (Goldman, 2012). The patent laws in the United States might not be the same in places like India or Japan. Currently, statistics show that software patents are in hundreds of thousands especially with over 30,000 new ones developed in 2014 alone. With such as wide scope, most of the infringement companies involve in is usually unintentional (Jordan, 2012). Additionally, the multi-billion dollar companies such as Google, IBM and Microsoft have their own patents based on their products; not software development. This patents or charters act as a threat towards their competitors and it is the duty of all these companies to know the regulations/ patents set by competing rivals in the industry or else it can lead to lawsuits (Megan, 2012). For instance, Yahoo has around a thousand patents

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Leadership Self-Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Leadership Self-Assessment - Essay Example Of importance to me has been to find time after reading for reflection. This way, I am able to gain insights and understanding to what I have read. However, I still face limitations in certain crucial areas. I seem to be more focused on developing relationships; seeking to please my followers at the expense of exuding the legitimate power and authority of being a leader. My leadership style would best fit the style approach of the 1940s as documented by Buchbinder and Shanks (2012). Therefore, I would have to work on the use of leadership legitimate power to influence action on my followers. This would be crucial for leading followers to delivering organisational goals without being compromised. Different situations would call for different strategies. This, perhaps, follows the situational theory documented by Rubino et al. (2014) which postulates that leaders adopt different styles for different situations. I do not evade from responsibility and would accept the consequences of my action. Where I lack knowledge, I always consult other sources, accepting ideas from others. In case of undesirable situations, my guide would be to seek the necessary change to realize the desired outcomes. However, there are crucial circumstances when I seek to hide behind vocabularies. Such are the times when I am faced with a need to immediately respond to certain concerns whereas I do not have ready response. By using complex vocabularies, I leave my audience perplexed and get away with the issue. Just as in other organisations, conflicts are also bound to occur in healthcare. As a leader, it would be important to appreciate the argument by Rigolosi (2013) that conflict resolution has no single static approach. Even so, I appreciate that as a leader, I am compromising, accommodating and avoiding, key aspects of conflict resolution cited by the scholar. I take responsibility for my actions and would always be open to ideas from other people.

The Fiscal and Monetary Policy and Economic Fluctuations Essay - 2

The Fiscal and Monetary Policy and Economic Fluctuations - Essay Example The report further indicated that most businesses had embraced the use of machinery and computers in their operations. The outcome of this was that it affected the labor industry negatively in that people lost jobs as a result of being replaced with machines (Krugman, 2003). In the past five years, the U.S. underwent a great recession period. This period saw a huge drawback in the economy of the country since it recorded high cases of unemployment, high interest rates and a rise in inflation. This is because during the recession period, people were dependent on loans that were being offered by the banks to conduct their business and other operations of investments (Buti, 2003). The recession caused credit markets to stop funding cheap mortgages that were being offered to the public. Home owners were then faced with difficulties of repaying the loans due to the high interests that were imposed on them. This in turn made many individuals default on payment that caused banks to collapse due to them suffering enormous losses (Gramlich and Wood, 2000). The collapsing of banks resulted in detrimental effects to the economy of the country as it was brought to a halt. This is because the growth of the economy was dependent on credit loans that were used for inv estment purposes that in turn helped boost the economy (Krugman, 2003). Most Americans lost their jobs during the recession period. In fact, studies conducted indicate that about 8.8 million individuals lost their jobs as a result of the great recession. This can be equated to between $50,000 to around $120,000 in loss per household (Buti, 2003). However, the drain in the economy was stopped by the Federal and Congress bank who intervened by offering loans with low interest rates. This took place between 2008 and 2009 (Krugman, 2003). From that time to date, banks are still reluctant to lend money to potential investors. This is due to fear of them

Friday, July 26, 2019

Family communication class journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Family communication class journal - Essay Example The modern days are faced with technological advancement that simplifies the family way of life. People communicate via modern technologies such as emails, cell phones and other social media appliances. This alters family communication time. Members lack enough time to communicate with each other (Walsh, 1983). The technology is also very important because it helps people connect with their relatives who live in far places. Modern family plans on how to overcome all the obstacles hindering communication. For instance, a family may plan a lunch date together or plan a gathering to talk about issues affecting the family. There are those families that set ritual or events that bring all the family members together weekly or on a monthly basis. They set the events in several dimensions including creating time to talk, work, or relax together (Walsh, 1983). Research indicates that many families are failing to meet the needs of their members. Less attention is paid to strong, healthy families, and the values that make families successful. It is important for families to seek information on how to improve communication and live a healthy family life. Researchers use two methods to carrying out studies on successful communication methods in a family. They study family strengths per se as the first method (Walsh, 1983). The assumption underlying this method is that there must be things that families with strong communication do in order to enhance good communication. The second method is studying healthy or normal families to evaluate the characteristics that distinguish them from their dysfunctional counterparts (Walsh, 1983). In most instances, communication of feelings and attitudes is done through words or physical gestures. Communication is built by several key factors. Among these factors is tone of voice, body language and listening. The tone of a family member’s voice will create

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Assess the value of Kingdon's multiple streams approach for analysing Essay

Assess the value of Kingdon's multiple streams approach for analysing agenda-setting - Essay Example The multiple stream frameworks are a combination of different public issues as well as ideas and politics (Howlett & et. al., 2009). The framework provides an opportunity to move the policy issue in the government agenda. The framework is helpful in developing strategies that is applicable for different policy areas and analyse how the policies are framed in case of lack of self-interest of the individuals. The Kingdon model analyses the situation in which the issues are involved in the political agenda and puts certain problems at the different level of priority. In addition, this theory also describes how the alternative solution to the issues is developed (Zahariadis, 2007). The Kingdon model of multiple stream theory is based on three elements that are ‘policy’, ‘problem’ as well as ‘politics’ (Furlong, n.d.). The three factors of the model facilitate change in the policy. The three streams of the Kingdon model are different from each other and are often guided through separate rules. The problem factor of the model is essential for agenda setting because it defines certain condition of the concerned issue. The ideas of the policy makers are translated to relevant policies, as they are feasible and acceptable. On the other hand, the politics stream of the Kingdon model indicates the legislative turnover, the increase in administrative pressure or dependence on nation (Howlett & et. al., 2009). The implementation of the three streams of Kingdon model in public policy ensures increased attention of the policy makers because the three factors result affects the changes in agenda. Timing is one of the vital factors in agenda because it influences the particular problem and policies linked with the issue of public policy. The three elements of the Kingdon model are independent of each other. However, for the success of agenda it is necessary that any two

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Country Risk Premium Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Country Risk Premium - Essay Example The risk models that are often utilized for corporate financial valuation, it is essential to undertake the ultimate estimation with regards to the risk and return premiums for the average investments termed as equity or market risk premium. It is hence vital for validating the Capital AssetsPricing Model, since it is currently considered as the most utilized both in the practical and theoretical analysis.The research shows that; investors often have to make some cognitive strategies on the verge of investing in emerging countries. This is due to the fact that undertaking huge investments in emerging countries such as Latin America countries, Asia and South East Europe, among others is considered as being riskier than doing so in developed markets such as that of Japan, Western Europe, and the USA. Certainly, the investments returns are also a little bit lower in the developed markets as compared to that of the emerging markets. The estimates of the much-needed return rates based on the developed markets scenario is mostly done with the Capital Assets Pricing Model. The practical weaknesses of this perspective are greatly recognized although there is a wide acceptance of its theoretical fundamentals. In the case of the emerging markets, it is often deemed as being more challenging to assess the return rates. The country risk should usually be rewarded with the country risk premium based on the required return rate with regards to an equivalent rate of investment in the developed countries.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

New Mexico and the American West Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

New Mexico and the American West - Assignment Example 2. Arizona has shrinking agricultural development while New Mexico’s is growing. Arizona has a less Hispanic speaking community than New Mexico. It also has a low population than New Mexico. Arizona has the largest population of American states with 6.6 million with New Mexico’s just over two million. Arizona has rapid population growth while New Mexico has a rather slow population growth. Arizona has many Indian communities while New Mexico has few Indian communities with Hispanic communities being dominant. Arizona has a history of political conservatism while New Mexico is not as conservative. 3. 1848-1865 – mining began in this period 1866-1878 – Mormon farming towns were raised and crops were grown and then sold to miners. 1879-1899 – transportation along with the mining of copper began here. Tombstone, a major mining town for copper emerged and grew. 1900-1939 – Copper boom was experienced in this stage and cattle and cotton farming dev eloped as well. 1940 onwards – Arizona became an urban place. Economy shifted here and agriculture and mining declined as service industry took over. 4. The Navajo community live in circular homes called Hogan. When a person dies in a Hogan then they shut the doors of the Hogan as they believe that could come along with evil ghosts. They believe in a state of balance or harmony they refer to as hozho. They believe in traditional ceremonies like one called the blessing way which involves healers and singers attending. They have a ceremony called kinaalda which is one to signify the coming of age of a girl. Four sacred mountains of the Navajo include: the sierra Blanca in the east which means faith and thinking or white shell; Hesperus peak which refers to awareness and charity; mt. Humphrey which means life and love above; and mt. Taylor which means planning or blue turquoise. 5. The Mormon landscape had a grid of rather huge streets and there were also ditches on the sides of roads for irrigation purposes. Towns had rather open fields and there were also polygamous houses. There were also two by two houses and the towns had bans and granaries that had not been painted. The church meeting house was at the center of town and the residences were made of brick and stone. The plat for the city of Zion is basically the land tenure issue of the state of Utah. This refers to the need for irrigation, need for shared resources and the need for defence. This is also connected to the law of the Indies. 6. Utah was more or less an all Indian nation and it had Mormons settle in it. The state therefore had its key land tenure conflict being Mormons vs. gentiles. Utah has been praised for many reasons that make it different from the rest of America and one of these reasons is the fact that it has been rated the best state in America for economic growth. It is ranked highest for its economic dynamism by Forbes magazine and the USA today ranks this state first for the qu ality state government that it has. Prudential insurance ranks Utah as the fifth healthiest state in the states. The salt lake is in this state and it is therefore referred to as the Salt Lake City. Forbes ranks it as being the best city when it comes for jobs and it has as well been said to be the fittest city. The land tenure driver for Utah is the plat for the city of Zion and this is certainly due to the fact that the Mormon Church initially runs things there. It is said to be the third

Monday, July 22, 2019

“Everybody knows what religion is, and so, we do not need to define it.” Essay Example for Free

â€Å"Everybody knows what religion is, and so, we do not need to define it.† Essay The study of religion may be as old as humankind itself according to one author. Defining religion is difficult as there are many definitions as there are many authors. The word religion is the most difficult to define because of the lack of a universally accepted definition. Specifically the root meaning of the word religion can be traced to Latin. Relegare or religion means to bind oneself, emanating from the Latin religio, which is translated to re-read emphasising tradition passing from generation to generation. Douglas Davies says â€Å"some have simply described religion as a belief in spiritual beings.† (10). In the book The World Religion there is a suggestion of approaches for tackling the question of religion such as viewing it anthropologically, sociologically, through history, in a scholarly way, theologically and by reductionism. In this paper I will try and assess the definition of religion from aforementioned views and identify the problems of defining religion. James Cox states that in their introductory textbook on religion the American scholars Hall, Pilgrim and Cavanagh identify four characteristic problems with traditional definitions of religion; these are: vagueness, narrowness, compartmentasation and prejudice (9). The authors argue that vagueness means there are so many definitions that they do not distinguish the matter of religion from other fields of study. Tilich’s defines religion as ultimate concern or a simple idea of religion meaning living a good life (9). Living a good life is subjective to an individual since the concerns and values we have are influenced by culture and the community that we live in. The definition of religion may also be viewed as narrow by means of compensating for the vagueness. In most cases the study of religion is fixated on a certain field or line of thought. Hall, Pilgrim and Cavanagh use Thomas Aquinas’ claim that religion denotes a relationship with a God, thereby excluding non-atheistic or polytheistic forms of religion (Cox 9). Most definitions are narrowed down to religious beliefs such as Christianity among other world religions. In narrowing down the definition of religion it excludes other religions such as African Traditional Religions. Due to the fact that African religions lack most characteristics needed of World religions they are excluded from being religion. Atheism is a growing phenomena in the world that does not believe in a God, which I feel have its own belief system. Many definitions focus too narrowly on only a few aspects of religion; they tend to exclude those religions that do not fit well. It is apparent that religion can be seen as a theological, philosophical, anthropological, sociological, and psychological phenomenon of human kind. To limit religion to only one of these categories is to miss its multifaceted nature and lose out on the complete definition. The same authors by way of compartmentalisation explain religion in terms of just one single, special aspect of human life. This compartmentalisation reduces religion to one part of human life and ignores its relevance to the totality of human existence. They also argue against Schleiermachers’ definition of religion as a feeling of absolute dependence which might reduce religion to a mere psychological condition, (Cox 9). By compartmentalisation you are taking the part of the whole to be the whole, thereby reducing religion to one aspect of human existence ignoring the totality of existence. Religion is not just a feeling but encompasses the totality of existence in a human being his beliefs, culture and language. Religious or religion is not static but dynamic from one generation to another and they are ever developing in accordance with time and nature. Religion is not only a compartment in life of a human being but a totality, a large elephant it is huge and complex. Most definitions of religion may be viewed as prejudice because they are evaluative in process which cannot present an objective picture of what religion actually is. The same scholars argue giving the example of Karl Max that religion is the opium of the people which is clearly biased (Cox 9). A scholar by the name of Barnhart criticizes traditional definitions of religion identifying in them five issues in prejudice: belief in supernatural, evaluative definitions, diluted definitions, expanded definitions and true religion. In his argument, Barnhart denies that religions must not hold a belief in God or supernatural beings to qualify as religions. He believes that such definitions restrict the subject matter of religion and thus are too exclusive, (Cox 9). In the same argument he concurs with Hall and company call on narrowness of definition of religion.  In the same view disagrees with E.B Tylor ‘religion consists of beliefs in spiritual’ beings as too narrow. In asserting that religion definitions are evaluative in nature, Barnhart concurs with Hall that these definitions are prejudiced. He argues against Marx and Freud saying the ultimate concern is itself an evaluative concept imposed on religion from the perspective of Western philosophy. Citing Clarke’s statement that ‘religion is the life of God in the soul of man’ tells us nothing about either God or the soul thereby diluting the definition and affirming other scholars view that religion’s definition is vagueness. Compartmentalisation of the definition of religion can also be likened to what Barnhart calls expanded definitions. He argues against Russell who tries to expand the definition of religion so far as to make it seem an effort to seek comfort in a terrifying world. The argument follows that by trying to define religion as a way of expanding a list of what comprises religion to accommodate one compartment of human existence it has an opposite effect of diluting the definition rather than searching for consolation, (Cox 10). Lastly Barnhart finds a problem in defining all religions in terms of one religion which by definition claims itself to be true. He gives the example of ‘Religion is belief in Jesus’ or ‘there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet’. This clearly categorises the definition of religion are subjective (Cox 10). The example also clearly shows how exclusive some definitions of religion are and proves the earlier mentioned problem of prejudice against one belief system or being traditionally fixated on belief systems of faith. The problem of plurality according to Roger Schmidt religion is difficult to define because it is a collective term applied to a wide range of phenomena. The phenomena include beliefs and practices that all religions have in common. Closely related to plurality is the problem of culture as religion and culture are closely linked. Religion is a child of culture, which is a result of religion being found in a certain contextual culture, therefore, difficult to define religion in all cultures. Religion itself is dynamic the Buddhism of a hundred years ago is not the same today. This shows that religion is not static but dynamic.

Cantaloupe Description Essay Example for Free

Cantaloupe Description Essay The Cantaloupe At first glance, the cantaloupe looks round and light grayish-tan, with a hint of green. From afar it looks round and plain, about the size of a peewee soccer ball. On approach, the circular shape is less perfect with subtle dents and bumps all around. Surrounding the sphere shaped fruit are light tan lines like a dense city map with all the streets intertwining and curving around without any significant pattern, not geometric like gridlines. On the surface, there are small matchbook sized patches color the skin, some more yellow and other patches that are darker green. A particular indention looks like the fruit might have laid on a rock on the ground while it was growing. One end, where the flower might have once been, is the palest of yellow circles. On the opposite edge, the stubby vestige of a stem remains. This dried up nub is the brown and shriveled, slightly indented from the rest of the globe. Surrounding the stem is a dark circle of hunter green. Picking it up from the counter, the weight of this globular object seems significantly heavier than it looks, like a mini bowling ball. Despite the volume, it feels that the weight is not solid which is proven by the hollow sound the fruit makes when tapped, like patting a child on the head. The delineated lines feel like webbing and give the fruit a rough feel, but it’s not an uncomfortable roughness. The experience is somewhere in between a prickly cactus and a furry peach. At this point my mind starts to wander. Should I cut it open now or wait? Should I take a break? I look outside at the fat flakes of snow coming down outside and remind myself to get back to the task at hand. There is no resentment or anger. I look again at this object I have assigned myself to detail. When I am at a loss as to how to describe something in particular my mind wandering happens more frequently. I continue to focus my attention back to the cantaloupe as soon as I realize I’ve been distracted. I hold the cantaloupe to my eye. There is a faint line of brownish green that runs through the net-like lines covering the fruit. Some of the spaces between the lines look like parks because they’re darker green, while others ook grey like the concrete of a parking lot. My mind wanders again and I start to look to see if there are any recognizable maps in squiggles. I see a roundabout that reminds me of an intersection in England and another resembles the neighborhood where I grew up. The intertwining layers of the lines remind me of overgrown vines on a wall covering another layer of skin. The underneath layer has the vague look of green splotches, almost veins, like the streaks that run through blue cheese. I thump the cantaloupe again. It substitutes as a drum to make a tune. Apparently it has different thicknesses inside because the sound it makes when you knock it on the end is a higher pitch than when you rap it in the middle. One spot must be particularly thick because the sound is more substantial. Rubbing the skin makes the same sound as rubbing your hands together on a dry winter day. I try to make other noises using the produce, but intuition tells me that the only way to get another sound is to drop it on the floor. I’m not willing to do that. Before cutting into the orb, I notice a whiff of eau-de grocery store produce aisle a bit past its sell-by date. The smell isn’t strong and it’s only when I touch the fruit to my nose that I smell this. I then sniff each different area of the outer layer and notice that where the flower once might have been the smell is much stronger and sweeter. I scratch my finger nails on the rough skin, but it doesn’t affect the scent the way it would with an orange or lemon. It’s time to cut into the orb. Even as the knife makes the first gouge, clear pale orange juice escapes. I lick my fingers and find the sweet taste refreshing and different. Although the juice is the color of a Satsuma mandarin or a commercial worthy carrot, it tastes nothing like either. Slicing the melon in half, the cantaloupe now resembles a geode, with a plain outside and a brightly colored exotic inside. It’s filled with seeds and goo in the center. The slimy innards resemble the finest angel hair pasta, but instead of being the color of regular noodles, they are varying shades of orange, some even translucent. I carve out this gooey inside and the sweet smell now fills the air with its cloying tropical fermented flower mell. Friends who have been watching a movie in the other room come to see if they can have some, the smell having tempted them away from what they are doing. Ironic, because I’m no longer interested in the cantaloupe and ready to toss it into the composting bin. I send everyone away so that I can continue on. The meaty flesh isn’t too tough, nor is it too soft. I take a bite and let the flavor rush across my to ngue. The taste reminds me of summers on the farm eating the freshest fruits and vegetables straight out of the garden still warm from the sun. There’s a touch of salt in the taste, but the sweetness overpowers it. In spite the firm texture, the fruit feels soft and chewy and the volume of nectar is astounding. The tissue is softer and moister than the similar essence of a pumpkin and more compact than the inside of a fig. Squishing the orange flesh with my fingers, it all but dissolves into juice. What little remains is the finest of strings as soft as silk. I find a seed still attached, that I missed. The kernel is a flat oval with semi-pointed ends. Like a flat football with the air taken away, but miniscule in comparison. It’s almost as though the surrounding fibrous slime is dissolving in the air as I watch. I break open a seed using my fingernail. It’s soft and waxy, not much there. I take a wedge of the sliced cantaloupe and look at the difference between the skin and the edible meat. Like a rainbow, the color changes from thick rind on the outside to the orange moist, fleshy core on the inside. Like the color spectrum, the differences in shades are subtle, but quick. A yellow stratum is the most predominant, but considering the layer in question is less than an eighth of an inch thick, this golden subcutaneous layer isn’t very big. I make sure there isn’t anything I’ve overlooked and to check my notes for missing descriptive words. I’m shocked to look at the clock and see that more time has passed than I would have expected. I went several hours without checking my watch; something I can only do when I’m not bored. Learning to look beyond the obvious is something I already knew how to do. I enjoy observing people and watching facial expressions for meaning. What I’m not good at it is sitting still and holding my attention for long periods of time. Exercises like this help to train my brain to â€Å"settle own, focus, and catch up† as local monologuist Josh Kornbluth says. While I had to make a few self directed corrections along the way, I was fairly pleased that I was able to block out a significant amount of what was going on with family and friends in the other rooms and outdoors. Yes, there were a few times that my attention wandered, but I was back on track in seco nds rather than hours or days. The reward at the end was to finish a paper I was happy with and to share the small remainder of the cantaloupe with my friends while on a weekend away. Mission accomplished!

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Contemporary Issues In Nursing Leadership In Nursing Practice Nursing Essay

Contemporary Issues In Nursing Leadership In Nursing Practice Nursing Essay Leadership plays an important role in nursing. This essay will define leadership and how leadership qualities relate to nursing practice in order to help nurse leaders to work effectively with in nursing environment. Furthermore, the will discuss how the key characteristics influence followers to work commonly in a group for a specific goal. Moreover, these qualities help them to Leadership is defined as personal skills which can be helpful to influence other people to the leadership benefits. It can effectively take the people in the same direction, sharing the same goals. (Lansdale, 2003). In this way, the important task of a leader is to make an action plan and encourage the team members to achieve the negotiated goals. Leadership is a major concern to the health care system. Its style is based on personal, professional and organisational value system because leaders provide shape to clinical practice with their qualities. Using their own skills leaders can easily address the needs of patients and colleagues. Leadership reflects the values of people, organizations and societies in which the leaders are working. In order to work effectively and to avoid the risk of conflict, the leaders always need to become acquainted with the values and beliefs of the individuals and organisation with whom they are working. (Stanley, 2008). Moreover, a leader uses interpersonal skills and specific behaviour for the purpose of effectiveness within profession. Because of this, the quality of leaders has a crucial role in influencing others. These qualities give them authority to work and develop their strategies effectively. (Daly, Speedy, Jackson, 2010). There are ten essential qualities which influence the work of a leader in a professional environment. First of all, a leader must have integrity which means leader should be honest and trustworthy. As, these key values are necessary to promoting a positive attitude and better performance in staff and colleagues. All staff expects these mandatory requirements from a leader. Besides this, courage to take a leadership risk is crucial to attain excellence. It is the ability to confront risk without fear which is sometimes necessary to get success. A leader may have good ideas and strategies in mind but they can not be effective without any action. This is called initiating w hich is the first step that needs to be taken in order to get the things done successfully. As it is hard task to do, wise use of energy and effort and an optimistic attitude are needed to give role satisfaction in leadership. Along with this, it is very common that rapid success of other colleagues discourage someone easily but positive thinking helps to keep up leaders and their co workers to resolve difficulties. This also ledà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s to remotivation in staff members. Effective leaders never quit easily, instead, they continuously use their efforts for work. (Tappen, Weiss Whitehead, 2004). Balance is another characteristic of leaders. It is essential to make an equal balance between personal and professional life. Paying attention towards the working environment needs to be balanced with attention shown to family and friends, because social activities are as important as professional. The most effective leaders easily balance between work and leisure time. Regardless, there are some stresses in almost every job which puts on work pressure and causes stressful life. In such conditions, leaders should think positively to address the issues and they should act as a role model for others in order to bring about possible solution. (Tappen, Weiss Whitehead, 2004) Self awareness is a most valuable key quality that is essential to motivate other people, because people who can not understand themselves they can not change others. In addition of these, according to International Council of Nursing (Sally, 2007) there are some more key elements that could be helpful for leaders. They should have a vision which could be a dream and it helps them to think strategically and differently from the daily schedule. Along with this, awareness about external environment is also crucial because it might affect the organization, its strategies and future planning. Having, confidence about the work one is doing also count a lot, because it helps to influence others. Knowledge related to political skills is another key value for leaders as it teaches them how to cope with conflicts and how to understand goals, values, expectations and behaviour of others. It is also significant to review all strategies to make any change according to the demand of time. Thereaf ter team work, partnership alliances and effective communication teach them how to work with others to achieve common goals and how it helps them to share new ideas and information with others. (Sally, 2007) All these characteristics of leaders play a vital role in nursing practice. They influence and shape the clinical practice. During clinical practice, leaders confront many challenges. To figure them out successfully, they implement strategies which lead out as the result of critical thinking discussion to improve patient care and outcomes. (Daly et al 2006). Nursing leader always faced challenge to think creatively about the development of critical thinking. This has a powerful impact on the problem solving and decision making. Working as a leader always requires continuous development of skills and regular improvement in them. In nursing, nursesà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ leaders confront many different team workers. To work efficiently nurse leaders must create an environment of trust among their followers. This leads to the involvement of co workers in planning and decision making on issues that will affect them directly or indirectly. Sometimes to get success, leaders have to take risk without any fear. Courage helps them to make some crucial decision strongly, which may be stressful and have to be made while under pressure. It also enables them to have confidence about making judgements. According to Kanter in ICN Nursing Leadership (Sally, 2007) it is the expectation of success which provides a link in between someoneà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s ideas and performance. Leaders should have knowledge about interpersonal skills. This means they can motivate or generate others toward shared goals with positive attitudes. To achieve this, nurse leader take initiative steps. Nurse leaders encourage team to work effectively with a range of different people at different levels so that they can feel supported. This will result improvement in health care settings. Along with this, nurse leaders develop new roles and skills regarding any changes and challenges in health organization because all these will result in quality care, efficiency and improvement in equity of access, especially for needy populations. Because nursing provides essential health care services, leaders should alert staff about any changes in policy. A key quality of leader is to transmit their passion about the future to others. A vision for nursing means what would be the ideas of the leader for organization to happen within a specific period of time. Then to get there, all major programmes, projects and activities are planned strategically to turn toward the same vision. The external environment might affect it. For this purpose external awareness related to health trends, issues, new policies and other factors is necessary. SWOT (strength, weaknesses,) and environment scanning helps them to review the whole situation and creates more opportunities. Regardless, political skill is needed to understand, from all stakeholders and to cope with conflicting situations, values, fears and behaviour of different people. It also means being able to plan creative, proactive and appropriate strategies for various situations. Effective communication means one can easily understand someoneà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s language. It is crucial for work safely and to give commands to followers. (Sally, 2007)

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

Homeostasis in Zostera marina (Eelgrass) Homeostasis, what is it? Homeostasis is the balance between systems to keep living organisms alive and healthy. For an organism to maintain homeostasis its body systems must react and respond to changes in both its internal and external environments. Majority of body systems in organisms, like a respiratory or circulatory system in animals, are part of their internal environment. One body system that is very important for maintaining homeostasis and is common among many organisms is a respiratory system. The respiratory system is responsible for disposing of carbon dioxide and in taking oxygen (vice versa for plants). Some parts that make up a respiratory system are the lungs, windpipe, and cilia in animals. Another body system important to homeostasis and common among animals is a circulatory system, used for bringing nutrients like glucose and oxygen to body cells. Some parts that make up a circulatory system are a heart, blood, and tubes for the blood to travel through (veins, art eries, and capillaries) in animals. There are many more body systems important to homeostasis, but if one is disrupted it’s vital for it to be restored to normal. It is very important for organisms to maintain homeostasis because when it’s disrupted that could cause other systems to go out of balance, which may result in damage in the organism. Homeostasis can be disrupted in many ways like when a human is sick. When a human is sick it starts in the immune system and depending on the intensity of the sickness it can cause other things like water balance and body temperature to go awry which would affect other systems. Another scenario when homeostasis is disrupted is when a plants water level is low and it wilts... ...hroughout the Eelgrass. Excess water in the form of vapor is disposed of through stomata on the leaves. The gas exchange, root, and shoot systems are used in this exchange because the stomata release the excess water in the form of water vapor, which was first absorbed by the roots in the root system, then transported through the xylem in the shoot system throughout the eelgrass. Another exchange that goes on in Eelgrass is nutrients to plant cells. Again the gas exchange, root, and shoot systems are used. Nutrients are absorbed by the roots and made through photosynthesis; stomata take in carbon dioxide which is used along with light, water, and other nutrients previously stored to make more. Nutrients are carried throughout the plant to plant cells by the phloem. Homeostasis is the balance of systems in organisms and it’s very important to keep them in balance.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Major League Baseball :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In early May 2002, a ban that the management of Major League Baseballs’ Seattle Mariners imposed requiring non-admittance of any fan wearing a tee shirt saying, â€Å"Yankees Suck† was finally lifted. Telling the Seattle Mariner fans that the word â€Å"suck† was offensive and had no place in a family atmosphere, was out of line to many. The backlash from the fans was overwhelming to the point that Mariners management had no choice but to lift the ban. The ban caused three major backlashes: It angered season ticket holders, it told the fans that the first amendment could be twisted at the ballpark, and it tried to strip fans of team spirit and pride. Mariner management ignored the minor uprising as long as possible until the ban reached near boiling point levels. Things have since settled down in Seattle, but hopefully Mariner management will not try a stunt like the ban anytime soon.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Being a season ticket holder means a great deal to fans who love going out to the ballpark. When a security guard at the front gate doesn’t allow entry because of a tee shirt the ticket holder is wearing, to say it would cause the ticket holder to be angry is an understatement. If purchasing season tickets doesn’t guarantee entry into the stadium merely on the fact that some people find the word â€Å"suck† to be offensive was a travesty to season ticket holders. As a matter of fact, the word â€Å"suck† is being used by children today than in most the Mariner management’s lifetimes. Telling grown up fans to act as management wants to is fascism in a corporate disguise. When someone buys a ticket it is expected that the buyer is to act like a civilized human being, but don’t make up new standards for the fan to abide by.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first amendment is what makes America work, so when Mariner management tried to tell fans they couldn’t wear a belief on a tee shirt, it sent mixed messages to the fanbase. It is well known what words are truly obscene in today’s world, but the word â€Å"suck† has not been truly offensive since â€Å"Ozzie and Harriet† was still on prime time. To say that the fanbase would be offended without taking a census of some sort or another was censorship in a way. A fan wearing a shirt with the f-word not being let in is different than a fan wearing a â€Å"Jesus Rules† shirt in.