Monday, September 30, 2019

All we need is love

All we need is love Love is a very deep feeling that goes with us in our life. Without love there is no true life and no meaning of life. From the moment we are born we are surrounded with love of our parents and other relatives and we love them back. First we love our mother – the first person we see in our life. You may say that in our babyhood it is an unconscious feeling, it is an instinct, but nevertheless it is true innocent love and affection. As we start sense the world we start feel love to father and other close people.We take and give this love s self-evident and can't even imagine our life without these people. Growing older we experience first love to somebody in kindergarten or at school. It is always pretty to kick at the little children attracted to each other. And it is a wonderful moment to realize that you are in love for the first time. In childhood and also in our adult life we also love our pets – cats, dogs, goldfish, tortoises etc. Our pets can a lways make us kind and happy. Have never understood people who don't love animals, and I am sure that every child should have a puppy or a kitten.Besides, care of domestic animals helps to bring up a conscious, responsible, attentive person. In our mature love we may love some persons, and we are very lucky if there is somebody who loves us back. Sure there can't always be mutual love, and we can't make somebody to love us as we do. But when we feel it, the world seems wonderful. Without a doubt love makes us stronger, happier, and more motivated. We get desire to become better for the person we are in love with, and to make good deeds. Love inspires everybody. Many poets, writers, artists, composers devoted heir works to beloved persons.If there was no love in our life there will be no outstanding works of art known all over the world. Sure it is a hard job to love someone, in spite of his/her imperfections, and the marriage build on love is the strongest. A person who does not lov e cannot be happy. He is usually grumpy, nervous, and strict. He cannot understand those who are experience this feeling. Feel sorry to such people because love is the most beautiful thing that can happen. I wish everyone to feel it, and I hope you and your close people love each other, and this love Will last forever.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Assignment Composition Essay

As an experienced social care worker you have been asked to mentor a new social care worker. You plan to use a supervision session to explain about the duty of care and how this helps to protect individuals from harm and abuse. Prepare a set of notes to help you in this supervision session. In the notes, you must include an explanation of: Ai)What is meant by ‘duty of care’ Aii)How the duty of care affects the work of a social care worker Aiii)What having a duty of care means for a care giving organisation Aiv)How the duty of care contributes to safeguarding individuals Ai)What is meant by ‘duty of care’ Duty of care means the obligations you have in your role as a care worker to ensure that your service users are supported and enabled to live in an environment which is free from prejudice and safe from abuse or injury. This means providing care and support for individuals within the law and also within the policies, procedures and agreed ways of working of your employer. Every individual should be supported and enabled to live in a safe environment and it is your responsibilities under the duty of care are to do everything reasonable within the definition of your job role to make this happen. Aii)How the duty of care affects the work of a social care worker A care worker has responsibility at work, under the duty of care, to do everything reasonable within the law and also within the policies, procedures and agreed ways of working of your employer to make the environment for your service users safe. Your duty of care means that you must aim to provide high quality care to the best of your ability and say if there are any reasons why you may be unable to do so. As a care worker, you must adhere to a standard of reasonable care and you are expected to keep your knowledge and skills up to date in order to provide a service of no  less a quality than that to be expected based on those skills, etc. If you do not work in this way, you could be considered negligent or incompetent. You also need to keep accurate and up to date records of your work. However, you must keep those records confidential except where the wider duty of care or the public interest might justify disclosure. Aiii)What having a duty of care means for a care giving organisation The duty of care to a service user exists from the moment they are accepted for treatment or a task is accepted and they begin to receive services. This obligation applies to those working part time or full time, those in agency or temporary roles as well as students and volunteers. All health and social care organisations, whether they are public, private or voluntary organisations, have a duty of care. Their duty of care is to provide a comprehensive service to citizens and to demonstrate that, within the available resources, the appropriate priorities are chosen. They must also ensure that those people who are providing that care are able to do so safely in appropriate and timely manner. To ensure this is the case, training is provided by employers to help ensure that their employees’ knowledge and skills is up to date. Aiv)How the duty of care contributes to safeguarding individuals In order to safeguard individuals from harm, care workers have a duty of care to raise any concerns they have about any aspect of their work. These could be things such as inadequate working conditions, poor equipment, poor practice by other staff, and also raising concerns about potential abuse cases and situations of neglect. If such a situation did arise or the care worker were in any doubt at any time, it would be their duty to raise these issues with their supervisor / manager. A negligent act could be unintentional but careless or intentional that results in abuse or injury. A negligent act is breaching the duty of care. If an individual has evidence that you have been negligent, you are likely to be disciplined. You could lose your job and you could have legal action taken against you. Task B: Reflective account Describe two situations which demonstrate a conflict or dilemma between exercising a duty of care and the rights of an individual. In this first  scenario, the care and support plan for a physically disabled individual includes for the support worker to take them to a cafà © or restaurant every week. This gives them the opportunity to dine out as they are unable to do this alone. However, in this case the client is overweight and a diabetic and their doctor has said they should be making wiser choices. In situations where there is a conflict of interest or a dilemma between an individual’s rights and a carer’s duty of care, it is best practice to make sure the individual is aware of the consequences of their choice and that they have the mental capacity to understand the risks involved in their choice. Presenting the client with the information and facts in a non-judgemental way allows the individual to make an informed choice about where and what they eat. The care worker should take care to use an encouraging and supportive tone of voice and words so that the individual does not feel bullied or harassed into doing what they think the care worker wants them to do. The support worker should tell the individual the facts about eating at McDonalds and ask them if they would like to try somewhere different. It is the role of the care assistant to assist them in making those choices and reducing the risks without compromising their rights. Ultimately, if the client does not want to do so, then the care worker should take them to McDonalds if this remains their choice. If an individual insists on doing something that the care worker disagrees with, they can only advise and encourage them. However, they would be failing in their duty of care if they did not try to prevent the client coming to any harm although in this case, intervention was not necessary. Any ongoing concerns the care worker has should be discussed with their manager and perhaps they could also request the client be given more information about their condition from a health worker or dietician so they have the full facts in order to make wise choices. In the second scenario, let us assume that the client has been categorised by the appropriate professional authorities as ‘a person who lacks capacity’. The Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) has a set of criteria to determine whether a person is able to make informed decisions and choices. The term ‘a person who lacks capacity’ means a person who is unable to make a particular decision or take a particular action for themselves at the time the decision or action needs to be taken. The dilemma is that the care worker would still want to respect the decisions of the client but would need to exercise a duty of care to make sure that this person was not exploited as they are very vulnerable. If, after a discussion with the client, the care worker had concerns that the client had made an inappropriate decision, they would need to report it to their manager, for example, if the person has given their money away or if another person has â€Å"borrowed† it etc. By passing the information to the manager, the care worker would have respected the client’s privacy by not revealing information to outside agencies without permission and also fulfilled their duty of care by trying to safeguard them from harm. A record of the incident should be made in writing and both signed and dated. It would then be the manager’s role to inform outside agencies if appropriate, such as the police, or the client’s family. Task C: Guidance Notes Write a set of guidance notes for social care workers to help them deal with complaints. In the notes, you must: Ci)Explain legal and organisational requirements for dealing with complaints. Cii)Describe how best to respond to complaints from service users, other practitioners and the family of service users Ci)Anyone who has a concern regarding the Stockport NHS Foundation Trust which includes Tameside and Glossop Community Healthcare can make a complaint. A service user can complain about the service or the treatment they have received or alternatively, a complaint can be made on behalf of another person. If anyone is unhappy with any aspect of their care or the service received, they should speak to member of staff as soon as possible. If that staff member cannot resolve the problem or the person is not comfortable talking to them, the complainant can contact the Patient and Customer Services Department (PCS) by phone, email or post as soon as possible. The PCS aim to resolve all complaints quickly and satisfactorily  but if the issue is too complex to resolve quickly, they may ask them to put their concerns in writing so they can begin a formal investigation. Cii)Treat the person with respect, listen to their concerns and reassure them that the matter will be treated seriously. Deal with the issue promptly and in many cases, it should be possible to sort out the problem straight away. If the member of staff approached cannot resolve the problem, the PCS department may need to be involved. Explain to the person how the procedure works and timeframes: The procedure The complaint will be reviewed by the Head or Deputy Head of Patient & Customer Services. It will be graded according to the complexity and severity of the issue. A case officer will be appointed to coordinate the investigation. The case officer will check whether there are any confidentiality issues and also whether more than one organization is involved. If necessary, the persons consent will be required so that additional organization are informed. Details of the complaint will recorded on the Risk Management Database and forwarded to the correct department for investigation. Patient confidentiality will be respected. For example, if the complainant is acting on behalf of someone else, a form requesting the authorisation of the patient to disclose confidential information to them may be required. Similarly, if the patient themselves is unable to provide their consent, e.g. they have died, then appropriate authorisation for the complainant to act and receive information on the patient’s behalf may be required, such as written consent from the Next of Kin. The person who has raised a complaint should not worry that they will discriminated against and that their, or their relatives, future healthcare will be affected. To maintain confidentiality of patients and staff, letters of complaints and their replies are not stored in the patients’ records. They are kept centrally within the Patient & Customer Services Department. If the person is unhappy with the response that the Trust provides or they would like further clarification of the points raised, they should contact the case officer dealing with the complaint to discuss further options. Timeframes The Trust will acknowledge the complaint by contacting the complainant within 3 working days of it being received. The Trust will strive to provide the  complainant with a full response, wherever possible, within 25 working days. If it is likely to take longer than 25 working days to resolve, then a date by which a response is anticipated will be provided plus ongoing progress reports will be given at regular intervals.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Characteristics of a Good Research Problem

A research problem is a statement that provides the context for a research study.As stated by Brewer & Hughes, (2005).â€Å"Research problems indicate gaps in the scope or the certainty of our knowledge† (Brewer & Hughes, 2005, p. 39).They point to problematic phenomena, observed events that are puzzling in terms of our currently accepted ideas, or current ideas that are challenged by new hypotheses (Dissertation Mentoring Services, 2013).The research problem is the start of bringing to light and introducing the problem that the research will conclude with an answer. Further, according to Ellis and Levy (2008) the research problem is the initial phase in the scientific method. The methodology that is utilized should be applicable for the problem that guides the research. The methodology yields the outcomes of the study, which in turn produces the support required to facilitate the findings (Ellis & Levy, 2008). The purpose of this paper is to examine the characteristics of a r esearch problem.The focus is on the elements of what constitutes a researchable problem, the components of a well formed Statement of Research Problem, as well as what constitutes a reasonable theoretical framework for the need of the study. As stated by Leedy and Ormrod, (2005) â€Å"The research problem is the axis around which the whole research effort revolves (Leedy and Ormrod, 2005, p. 49). † Viable research cannot be deemed important without a well-defined understanding of why the research has been performed. There are several components that make research of noteworthy importance, such as the research needs to be researchable and manageable in size.Other characteristics include the degree of how the research will influence future research and other researchers by whether or not the findings will make a contribution to the body of knowledge, the explanation of the data and make a difference for others (Dissertation101 Mentoring Services, 2013). Influence of the researc h. Good research should advance the field in which it is geared toward as well as build on the current body of available research. The impact does not have to be huge, but it must be identifiable. The study should reveal how the researcher intends to take a different viewpoint and or direction.According to Leedy and Ormrod (2010) the research should direct the philosophy in different perceptions, as well as inspire further research to be conducted as it relates to the topic (Leedy & Ormrod, 2010). The advancement should reflect how the new methodologies will be used, along with the other current work, to help to better come to a conclusion in order to solve the problem (Brewer & Hunter, 2006). The problem is researchable and manageable in size. It is imperative to select a topic that is doable and that will allow many opportunities to conduct adequate primary research.Limitations such as the availability of answers should also be considered when thinking of a research problem. Addit ionally, time and expenses are of concern. Considering how long it will take to conduct the research is important as is whether or not the researcher has enough background knowledge to carry out the research, which may cause delays. The budget is a major factor and taking into consideration the kinds of tasks that will be needed, any paid assistants, specialized equipment, or software that needs to be created and/or acquired will help in estimating the amount of funds that will be needed to conduct the research.Explanation of the dataSince research requires data, it is important during the planning that the researcher analyzes beforehand whether or not any data related to the research problem can be produced. If not, then the research problem and the question may need to be changed. The decision of whether to use qualitative or quantitative data is important and based on the type of research. Once the data has been collected, the researcher must have a way to communicate the results .The data must be organized in a way that it merges the existing data with the new data to determine the quality based on the guidelines for collecting the data. Components of a Statement of Research Problem Essentially, the problem statement provides the basis for the research. The statement of the research problem reflects the general concern that leads to the specific problem and must be factual and clearly stated. Accordingly, it must be a brief precise description, which sets the premise for the problem to be studied.It distinguishes and states the underlying problems, if any and outlines the hypotheses, along with the research questions (Dissertation101 Mentoring Services, 2013). Precise, factual and clearly stated. Researcher seek to answer a question or to find a solution to a problem. Providing factual information to introduce the problem will change the perspective of what people think or know about the problem. As well the research should speak to the literature that is p revalent and to what is missing from this literature.Therefore, a statement of the problem needs to be precisely stated in one or two sentences that outlines the problem of the research. The statement of the problem should also address the question (Levy & Ellis, 2008). As stated by Levy and Ellis, (2008) â€Å"The problem statement is the statement of the problem and the argumentation for its viability. It should address all six questions, what, how, where, when, why, and who (Levy & Ellis, 2008, p. 27)†. Underlying sub-problems.Often times, research problems are too significant or very complicated be solved without breaking them down into smaller parts. The parts of the big problem are known as the sub-problems. The sub-problems make up a researchable component that will form together to equal the summation of the main problem. Division of the main problem is the fourth characteristic of formal research (Leedy & Ormrod, 2005). Presenting a hypothesis or research questions. The researcher must prepare a hypothesis related to the expectations what will be true of the results and conclusions of the study.The research problem, the goals, and the associated research questions and/or hypotheses are entwined in that a research goal is the main focus of the research that will be used to speak to the problem. Additionally, research questions help to simplify the goals into definite questions that the researcher would like answered (Creswell, 2005). According to Leedy and Ormrod (2005) by obtaining the answers to the research questions, the goals of the research will be satisfied and an impact regarding solving the problem has been made (Leedy & Ormrod, 2005).There has to be a recognizable association between the answers to the research questions and the research problem motivating the study (Ellis & Levy, 2008). A Problem Statement is based on a thorough review of the relevant literature and ongoing research. As stated by Leedy and Ormrod, (2005) â€Å"one es sential strategy is to find out what things are already known about your topic of interest; little can be gained by reinventing the wheel (Leedy and Ormrod, 2005, p. 51). † This provides the basis for a theoretical framework for the foundations and worthiness of the research problem.Theoretical Framework for the StudyTheoretical framework is the theory which enlightens and expounds the problem to be researched. The theory will also be used to observe the results. New theories solve research problems by explaining inexplicable occurrences and by overriding the uncertainty of older theories. The current theory directs researchers in creating and communicating research problems. In determining whether and in what respects a theory is problematic, researchers consider the context of accrued theoretical and experimental knowledge.The theories that appear to be challenging when observed in that context are then researched (Ellis & Levy, 2008). While the findings of research may be u nexpected, the research itself is planned. It is grounded in a theory. There should be a theoretical connection between the problem guiding the research and the research that is being directed to speak to that problem (Ellis & Levy, 2008).ConclusionA research problem statement is a concise description of a problem or challenge that does not currently have an adequate solution available, therefore, making it worthy of research. A problem statement refers to an issue that is focused on by the topic. It is, in essence, a situation that is in need of a solution. A well communicated problem drives the research. A statement of the research problem must be specific but brief and not something that refers to an isolated occurrence.It must be researchable and manageable while addressing the sub-problems and creating a hypothesis and research questions. The statement of the problem should introduce how the research develops from previous theory and how it may be able to add to the development of new theory in which to make advancements, realizing that ultimately, the purpose of research is to add to the knowledge of how the world operates in our quest to improve and expand our understanding.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Assignment on Current Information Technology Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

On Current Information Technology - Assignment Example This essay seeks to examine the use of research and development program in enhancing the operations of the firm in line with the firm’s strategy (Jacques & Fabrizio, 2014). As a point of departure, management of technology consists of management of research, products and development of processes. In essence, research development aims at expanding the company’s grasp of science and engineering skills and its relevant applications. Effective technological management needs integration of the process development and manufacturing engineering (Jacques & Fabrizio, 2014). This aspect of integration is common in the Japanese industries and it is immensely attributed to high-level manufacturability, with cost and quality effectiveness. Managing an R&D program in an efficient manner, a company must have a coherent product and market strategy. It is realizable that, the level of strategic attentiveness in one or more product- market. For instance, the strategic focus of the R&D program in managing the technological processes of the firm is to increased improvements in value, performance, quality and cost (Jacques & Fabrizio, 2014). This brings the difference between manual or physical firms’ strategy sustenance and the technologically sustained. The technologically based strategy management contributes immensely to the achieving of the firm’s objectives and helping in sustaining the market share and profit margins and this leads to high cash flows thus creating a competitive edge in the market niche. On the same note, the R&D program plays a fundamental role in replacing an existing product with a new one in the market. The role entails immense depths of improving functionality and lowering cost. In comparison with the manual replacement and managing of a replacement process, the technologically based management system oversees a smooth transition and ensures that, the rest of processes in the firm are not disrupted (Mario, Margherita &Massimo, 2013).

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Human development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

Human development - Essay Example Willingham dispels this is as mere speculation, but public opinion considers this as the long-awaited evidence to justify how to judge people and identify their capabilities. The advancement of neuroscience over the years has been at an awe-inspiring speed. However, it has attracted diverse misconceptions and myths in terms of the cognitive ability of the brain. Several scientific findings have led to these assumptions and myths, and there applicability in the class setting by teachers is largely debatable. The left-brain versus right-brain distinctions continues to elicit varied reactions from the media and the populace. The analysis by scientists about the functioning of each hemisphere provides a better interpretation on understanding students, girls, and young children. In terms of students, it is not true that right-brained students should avoid the education system and concentrate on their artistic side. Such assumptions may prejudice the thinking of parents who may choose not to educate their children through the normal schooling system, claiming that their brains hinge on the right hemisphere. Considering the information is not entirely credible, it may be risky to use it in learning materials. There are books that already present such information to students and teachers. Neuroscientists have tried to diffuse the unnecessary propaganda, but their efforts are fruitless. Both hemispheres of the brain coordinate to process information. In case one side is better, it is only by a slight margin with marginal advantages. In consequence, this means that educational material should consider whole-brain thinkers and individual needs of students, rather than focusing on faulty and unsubstantiated myths. The cognitive differences between boys and girls are statistically real, but at the same time, are too insignificant to determine provision of instructions across the genders. Evidently,

Describe the impact of neuronal and neurotransmitter abnormalities on Essay

Describe the impact of neuronal and neurotransmitter abnormalities on brain function - Essay Example All of them are associated with decreasing patients’ intellectual abilities and certain physical abnormalities that affect significantly normal human activities (Deb S., McHugh R, 2010). Neurons are special nerve cells in human organism, which are able to transfer the information from one cell to another within the whole human body, and in such way support normal human activities and provide adequate reactions for all outside and inside irritants. According to Stufflebeam, â€Å"neurons  are the basic information processing structures in the CNS† (Stufflebeam, 2008).   Neurons are joined in some kind of network with neuroglial cells that support and protect them providing all the conditions for transmitting electric impulses and special chemicals called transmitters. â€Å"Every information processing  system  in the CNS is composed of neurons and glia; so too are the  networks  that compose the systems (and the maps)†¦   Glia  (or  glial cells) are the cells that provide support to the neurons.  Ã¢â‚¬  (Stufflebeam, 2008).   There is a huge amount of different categories of neurons, which are quite diverse within their structure. Usually, the types of neuron cells are classified in the following way (Stufflebeam): sensory neurons  serve for transmission of the information from sensory receptors to CNS by means nerve impulses though their long axons. Motor neurons  are also equipped with comparably long axons and convey nerve impulses from CNS to muscles and glands in human body. Interneurons  are also known as relay or connector neurons and commonly have cells of smaller size with a lot of interconnections to transfer information among different types of neurons. Neurotransmission process The main function of neuron cells is to receive the needful information from other neurons and to send it further through the whole human body. The process of information transferring is quite sophisticated and even nowadays th ere exist a lot of disagreements concerning its certain features. â€Å"Neurotransmission  (or  synaptic transmission) is communication between neurons as accomplished by the movement of chemicals or electrical signals across a synapse† (Stufflebeam, 2008).   There are two main stages in neuronal information transmitting (Stufflebeam): intracellular signaling represents communication between neurons through the instrumentality of special chemical mediums called neurotransmitters. intercellular signaling means that information is transmitted inside one neuronal cell in a form of electric impulses, which speed could reach 150 m/s. These impulses are called action potentials and are transferred through neurons’ axons. Further, they are transformed into transmitters at chemical synapses. According to Stufflebeam, â€Å"for any interneuron, its function is to receive INPUT "information"  from other neurons through synapses, to process that information, then to send "information" as OUTPUT to other neurons through synapses† (Stufflebeam, 2008). Brain abnormalities Peter and Singer (2006) state that most of the brain’s cognitive functions are founded on the synchronized communications of many neurons, which leads to the obvious conclusion that even tiny deviations in normal neurons functioning could cause quite serious

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Serbia Tourism and Events Management compared to Hainan Essay

Serbia Tourism and Events Management compared to Hainan - Essay Example Hainan is a state in the People’s Republic of China and is a popular tourist destination. It boasts a rich variety of attractions and natural resources including flora, fauna and wildlife. It also has a rich historical and cultural heritage and diverse, colorful ethnic minorities. It aims for quality by offering a diversified product range opening up the Paracel and Spratly islands to tourism. It offers activities such as yachting, golf, surfing, nature-based tourism and shopping options (Van Der Wagen & Carlos, 2005). Serbia, on the other hand, is a landlocked country in southeast Europe. The country boasts of a long and very colorful history. It has attraction sites such as vibrant cities, medieval monasteries and vestiges of ancient civilizations. It is a conducive area to tour since it offers opportunities for relaxation and active pursuits. Its main tourist attractions are mountain resorts, spa resorts and thermal springs and a variety of competence centers (Van Der Wagen & Carlos, 2005). According to The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), Serbia has developed its tourism industry with an appeal for new and broader target markets. It has been a nation at war for the past decade with the successive political crisis. It has reformed its Tourism and Travel economy accounting for 5.3% of the total GDP and supporting 6% of the formal employment sector. To achieve its full potential, it ought to merge the central location, abundant cultural and natural resources with a supportive business and regulatory framework. On the other hand, the focus on tourism and travel development by the Hainan provincial government began in the 1990’s. It has undergone a major transformation over time.  

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Operations management-report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Operations management-report - Essay Example Additionally, key focus is on managing people in an effective manner where skill sets are analysed and accordingly responsibilities are offered in a systematic and planned manner. It was also found that Just in Time concept has helped the organisation in eliminating chances of huge wastage along with responding to the changes in the business and social environment. Overall, it was concluded that Total Quality Management (TQM is also practiced by the organisation helping in maintaining high quality standards. All these initiatives have helped the company to strengthen its operational framework along with being successful. Slack, et al (2010) stated that operations management is concerned with designing, controlling, and overseeing production processes along with redesigning business processes for better production of goods and services. Hill and Hill (2011) added that operations management ensures that business operations are efficient enough to use little but impactful and robust resources exceeding customers’ expectations in a meaningful manner. Simon (2010) added that operations management is concerned with the conversion of inputs in the form of raw material and energy into the output offering value and benefits to a number of customers. Slack, et al (2010) further added that operations management has a close relationship with business operations and the success of the later can only define the success of the former. In this regard, it is important to analyse the business operations and processes in a critical manner. Heizer and Render (2010) added that the senior management needs to develop business strategies and line officers need to take tactical decisions in order to make business operations successful. Simon (2010) stated that the success of operations management is dependent on formulating robust business objectives along with aligning

Monday, September 23, 2019

CHANGING CLOTHES IN CHINA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

CHANGING CLOTHES IN CHINA - Essay Example Considerably, the understanding of the different clothes of the said country gives a clear presentation as to how the people within the region developed from being traditional towards becoming liberated and more expressive until the present times of modernity. How did the revolution affect the recognition of culture on the part of the Chinese people Truthfully, the changes in the people's clothes also denoted the changes that were happening within the Chinese community. As the years pass, the classical understanding of China with regards their culture and traditional being has been replaced by the trends of the west and the undeniable fact that globalization has already entered the classical years of the Chinese life thus suggesting a much more different approach to clothing on the part of the natives. As the foreigners started coming in and out of China for tourism and other businesses in concern, it could be observed that the clothing of the Chinese people also began to develop. It is considerably undeniable that the clothes of the Chinese society began to take new shape and has begun to flood the international market. Apparently, the Chinese clothing line is considered to be one of the major products that bring in profit to the national economy.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Not My Business and District 6 compared Essay Example for Free

Not My Business and District 6 compared Essay The poem Not My Business is written by a Nigerian poet Niyi Osundare. This poem is a dramatic monologue and uses a fictional narrator to reflect upon how the Nigerian society is affected by the political and military misuse of power and authority in addition to the peoples rejection to revolt against injustice. The poet uses the narrators ignorant and selfish personality to display the abuse of power not only in Nigeria but also around the globe. The title Not My Business is short and simple to communicate the idea that South Africas socio-political status has not changed since the end of apartheid. The tone is very direct and shows the narrator to be ignorant and selfish. In addition to this, the structure of the poem emphasises his detachment with the people; the lines in which the narrator talks about himself are kept separate by the poet to stress his feeling of superiority over others. However, the narrator suffers the same fate at the end of the poem. The first stanza consists of Akanni being kidnapped. They picked up Akanni one morning. The poet uses the kidnapping to emphasise how the governments attitude towards the public is like. The use of they is an obvious indication of the military to the audience but is kept vague to engage the readers mind to the poem. Furthermore the poet uses stuffed him down the belly to make the reader feel as though the government are like predators waiting to leap at anyone who opposes them. Osundare also uses this stanza to elaborate on the soldiers relentlessness towards the people, beat him soft like clay. He uses this line to show the cruelty and injustice laid upon the people, because of the abuse of power and violence used to discourage individuals who resist them. The word clay helps to describe the methods of torture used to punish attempts at what the government calls transgression. The poet goes on to show the ignorance of some of the people, What business of mine is it so long they dont take the yam from my savouring mouth. The narrators selfishness is shown by the mention of yam which represents his food, comfortable home and self-occupied lifestyle, despite mentioning what happened to Akanni. Also, the poet uses the narrators eccentric personality to reach out to people who share a similar attitude. Additionally, the word savouring helps to illustrate the greediness and materialism of the narrator in the readers mind. The second stanza begins by showing the mysteriousness of the military, They came one night. This implies that the army can come at anytime and the people are never safe. The narrator further goes on to show the brutality of the military, booted the whole house awake, which suggests that the army has injected fear in the minds of people. An abrupt feeling is formed with the use of booted creating a sudden sentiment of fear. Furthermore vague terminology is used by the narrator to describe what happened to Danladi. Then off to a lengthy absence. This emphasises the narrators desire to distance himself from reality. The poet uses the phrase lengthy absence to show the narrators unwillingness to acknowledge that a threat is eminent from the government. Therefore the narrator regardless, lives with the atrocities that surround his society. In the third stanza Chinwe is fired from her job. Her job was gone. The poet once again shows the government can strike at anytime any day. Osundare uses the repetition of no to emphasise that Chinwe was sacked without legitimate reason. He does this further with a stainless record. This shows the influence and injustice of the government in the society as well due to the incident occurring in spite of Chinwes innocence. The refrain is used to make the reader feel that the narrator doesnt have any remorse or guilt for not caring about the other people around him. The last stanza involves the narrator himself being taken away, And then one evening as I sat down to eat my yam a knock on the door froze my hungry hand. The narrators tone is fearful and surprised. His hungry hand shows his selfishness and greed. The poet uses alliteration to put emphasis on this. Furthermore, the repetition of waiting creates tension in the readers mind and stresses the helplessness of the narrator when his own words come back to haunt him. It also coincides with the second stanza where the jeep is also waiting for danladi. Lastly, the structure of the stanza shows the irony of the narrators situation, that he also suffers the same fate as his neighbours. The poem District 6 is written after apartheid by Tatamkhulu Afrika who is a white South African poet and is a dramatic monologue. Afrika amplifies his anger at the situation of South Africa by using a black South African narrator to show that discrimination is still widely active. The narrator feels the post-apartheid period should have been different. Throughout the poem the poet voices his disappointment with the racism and discrimination. The poets attitude consists of anger and frustration which is reflected and emphasised at the end of the poem where the narrator want to resort to violence. District 6 is shown to now be a run-down levelled place, Small round hard stones. This quote displays to a certain extent how District 6 has not changed since the apartheid government destroyed the area. In addition, the poet uses the consonance in small round hard to depict the hostile and unpleasant environment. Furthermore, he uses a bitter tone, seeding grasses thrust bearded seeds. This is shown by thrust which carries an aggressive attitude making the statement resentful. This is emphasised by the continuous repetition of sss sounds used in this stanza. The narrator continues to stress District 6s destruction, trodden on, crunch in tall, purple-flowering amiable weeds. He repeats the same idea twice using trodden on and crunch for emphasis showing the unchanged situation of district 6. The poet further uses the narrator to show a sense of belonging to District 6 in the second stanza, my feetmy handsmy lungsmy eyes. Throughout the stanza the narrator emphasises his recognition and ownership of District 6 as if he grew up there. His defiant tone suggests that he is demanding back what is his and continues to do this with the repetition of my. At the end of the stanza anger is shown which shows his connection with District 6. The poet goes on to emphasise his anger at the contrast between races. Brash with glass, name flaring like a flag, it squats. He uses an aggressive tone to display his fury at the existence of a structure with thrives on racism. The rhyming ss sounds at the end of brash and glass help to fuel the effect of anger in the readers mind. Also, the narrator shows how active and unopposed racism thrives through, name flaring like a flag. This shows the freedom of racism specifically because the inn is located in District 6 due to its significance in South African history. Furthermore, a mocking tone is used for emphasis with it squats, suggesting the white are occupying the inn illegally. Tatamkhulu relates to the title in the fourth stanza, No sign says it is, but we know where we belong. The narrator conveys a mocking tone which echoes the idea and base of the poem, coming from the title Nothings Changed, that the situation of District 6 has been constant due to whites still occupying it since apartheid. The stanza is used to remind the reader of the cause of the destruction of District 6 which happened due to racism and discrimination. Furthermore, the poet uses the narrator to how his exclusion and separation from the white society, I press my nose to the clear panes. This shows the narrators curiosity, but also suggests the existence of an invisible barrier, clear panes, between him and the whites. In addition, the narrator anticipates and emphasises the lavish lifestyle, know before, I see them, there will be crushed ice white glass, linen falls, the single rose. The poet creates an atmosphere of luxury and beauty in the readers imagination. The use of single rose at the end of the stanza suggests an upper-class influence. The reader is made to feel anger and disposition to antagonism towards the unfairness and discrimination directed from the white society. The next stanza leans towards the inequality still overshadowing the non-white society, working man cafe sells bunny shows, take it with you, eat it at a plastic tables top. The blacks are shown to be a lower class which contrasts to the upper-class whites in the previous stanza, despite the end of apartheid. The narrator also uses plastic top to show the difference and neediness between blacks and whites. The last stanza reverts to the main picture of the poem, boy againhands burn, for a stone, a bomb to shiver down the glass. The use of boy again suggests that nothing has changed since the narrator was a boy and the word shiver reflects the frustration in the narrators mind. Furthermore, the use of stonebomb helps the reader to understand the possible causes of violence throughout South Africa to be like calls of anger against racism. To conclude, the poem Not My Business was written because the Nigerian public has no motivation to rebel and fight against injustice or tyranny enforced by the government. The narrator is shown as an example of what will happen to the people if they refuse to repel the injustice laid upon others and that they will eventually succumb to the same fate if they continue to be ignorant. In the second poem, Nothings Changed summarises that South Africa has not yet managed to overcome its issues of racism, injustice and inequality despite being in the post-apartheid era. The poem acts as a plea to all South Africans to come together and unite to create a civilised society with equal rights. In my opinion, both poems share the idea that the people should unite and act against injustice and oppression, though in different ways; the message is universal: Unity will bring peace and harmony amongst the people.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

What Is System Unit?

What Is System Unit? System unit is a case that contains electronic component of the computer used to process data. The case of the system unit, sometimes called the chassis, is made of metal or plastic and protects the internal electronic components from damage. Explain the electronic components in system unit and its function. Question 2 An operating system (OS) is a set of software that manages computer hardware resources and provides common services for computer system. Explain the different types of Operating system in market and what the advantages and disadvantages of each Operating system. Q1 Introduction What is system unit? System unit is Box-like case that houses the electronic components of the computer used to process data. System Unit is the core of a computer system, system unit always is rectangular case that houses the electronic components inside the computer. That usually its rectangular box placed on or underneath your desk. Inside the box got many electronic components that process information. The most important part of these components is the central processing unit CPU, or microprocessor, which acts as the brain of your computer. Another component is random access memory (RAM), which temporarily stores information that the CPU uses while the computer is on. The information stored in RAM is erased when the computer is turned off. Almost every other part of your computer connects to the system unit using cables. The cables plug into specific ports, typically on the back of the system unit. Hardware that is not part of the system unit is sometimes called a peripheral devi ce or device. Dual inline package (DIP), which consists of two parallel rows of downward-pointing thin metal feet (pins). Pin grid array (PGA) package, which holds a larger number of pins because the pins are mounted on the surface of the package. Flip chip-PGA (FC-PGA) package, which places chips on the opposite side (flip side) of the pins. Single edge contact, which called as SEC as cartridge, and it allow us to connects to the motherboard on one of its edges in system unit. Function The system unit, sometimes called the chassis, is a box-like case housing the electronic components of a computer that are used to process data. System unit components include the processor, memory module, cards, ports, and connectors. Many of the system units components reside on a circuit board called the motherboard. The motherboard contains many different types of chips, or small pieces of semiconducting material, on which one or more integrated circuits (IC) are etched. An integrated circuit is a microscopic pathway capable of carrying electronic current. Each IC can contain millions of transistors, which act as switches for electronic signals. A system unit is a case that contains electronic components of the computer used to process data. The most common components are inside a system unit are; the processor, ports, drive bays, power supply, memory and adapter cards example; sound card, video card, network card and modern card. The case of the system unit, sometimes called the chassis, is made of metal or plastic and protects the internal electronic components from damage. Motherboard is also a main circuit board in system unit, it contains adaptor cards processor and memory chips, it can be called as system board too or more. What electronic components are found on the motherboard? Chip is also a part of the system units for electrical components. Integrated Circuit (IC) Microscopic pathway capable of carrying electrical current and it also is included include in the motherboard. Transistor Acts as an electronic switch, or gate, that opens or closes the circuit for electronic signals A chip is a small semi-conducting material where integrated circuits can be etched. Chips are packed in a certain way so they can be connected to a circuit board. Integrated circuits have many microscopic pathways, that capable of carrying electric current. Chip available for different kind of it, single edge contact (SEC) cartridge, dual inline package (DIP), flip chip-PGA (FC-PGA) package and pin grid array (PGA) (CPU) Central processing unit; The CPU carries and interprets basic instruction that can operate a computer. The control unit coordinates operations in a computer. Interprets and carries out the basic instructions that operate a computer. The Arithmetic logic unit (ALU) does arithmetic, comparison and logical operations. This can also be known as the processor and also called the processor. Random access memory (RAM) is one of computer most important part inside a computer because, RAM is a random memory access, one of the memories in our computer and it can be accessed randomly. The byte of the memory in our computer can be access without touching the preceding bytes. RAM is the most common type of memory found in computers and other devices, such as printers. There are two type of RAM one is call Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) and the another is Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) this two types of RAM differ in the technology they use to hold data, with DRAM being the more common type. In terms of speed, SRAM is faster. DRAM needs to be refreshed thousands of times per second while SRAM does not need to be refreshed, which is what makes it faster than DRAM. DRAM supports access times of about 60 nanoseconds, SRAM can give access times as low as 10 nanoseconds. Hard disk is also one of the electronic components in system unit. The disk can let you store your computer data. Hard disk holds more data and is faster than floppy disks, and a single hard disk can store more than 100 gigabytes (GB), whereas most floppies have a maximum storage capacity of 1.4 megabytes. Each platter has the same number of tracks, and a track location that cuts across all platters is called a cylinder. For example, a typical 84 megabyte hard disk for a PC might have two platters (four sides) and 1,053 cylinders. In general, hard disks are less portable than floppies, although it is possible to buy removable hard disks. Conclusion As conclusion, system unit is about computer system inside the computer itself and it can be check from the inside if got anything wrong with it, components and processes of a computer system that is used for an everyday activity. Learn about the system inside of a computer and how it runs inside when we see it from the outside. Q2 Introduction Operating system is software that which takes care of technical aspects of a computers operation. Most of the desktop or laptop Pc comes preloaded with Microsoft windows. Macintosh (Apple MAC) computer come preloaded with MAC OS X. Many corporate servers use the Linux or UNIX operating systems. The operating system (OS) is the first thing loaded onto the computer without the operating system, a computer is useless. Some operating systems also provide text editors, compilers, debuggers and a variety of other tools. Since the operating system (OS) is in charge of a computer, all requests to use its resources and devices need to go through the Operating system. Window Microsoft Windows or better known as Windows is a family of operating system developed by Microsoft, using the graphical user interface. Window operating system have evolved from the MS-DOS, an operating system based on text mode and command-line. The first version of Windows, Windows Graphic Environment 1.0 was first introduced on 10 November 1983, but only out of the market in November 1985, which was made to meet the computer needs to display a picture. Microsoft Windows can be developed and can be controlled using the operating system up to 90%. Price of Microsoft Windows can run between $50.00 $150.00 US dollars per each license copy. Microsoft has made several advancements and changes that have made it a much easier to use operating system, and although arguably it may not be the easiest operating system, it is still Easier than Linux. Although Microsoft Windows has made great improvements in reliability over the last few versions of Windows, it still cannot match the reliabil ity of Linux. Because of the large amount of Microsoft Windows users, there is a much larger selection of available software programs, utilities, and games for Windows. Although Windows does have software programs, utilities, and games for free, the majority of the programs will cost anywhere between $20.00 $200.00and US dollars per copy. Because of the amount of Microsoft Windows users and the broader driver support, Windows has a much larger support for hardware devices and a good majority of hardware manufacturers will support their products in Microsoft Windows. Although Microsoft has made great improvements over the years with security on their operating system, their operating system continues to be the most vulnerable to viruses and other attacks. Microsoft Windows is not open source and the majority of Windows programs are not open source. Microsoft Windows includes its own help section, has vast amount of available online documentation and help, as well as books on each of the versions of Windows. Linux Linux is a Unix-like computer operating system assembled under the model of free and open source software development and distribution. The defining component of a Linux system is the Linux Kernel, an operating system kernel first released October 5, 1991 by Linus Torvalds. Linux system distributions may vary in many details of system operation, configuration, and software package selection. Linux runs on a wide variety of computer hardware, including mobile phones, tablet computers, network routers, televisions, video game consoles, desktop computers, mainframes and supercomputer. Linus is a leading server operating system, and run the 10 fastest supercomputer in the world. In addition, more than 90% of todays supercomputer runs some variant of Linux. The majority of Linux variants are available for free or at a much lower price than Microsoft Windows. Although the majority Linux variants have improved dramatically in ease of use, Windows is still much easier to use for new computer users. The majority of Linux variants and versions are notoriously reliable and can often run for months and years without needing to be rebooted. Linux has a large variety of available software programs, utilities, and games. However, Windows has a much larger selection of available software. Many of the available software programs, utilities, and games available on Linux are freeware or open source. Even such complex programs such as Gimp, OpenOffice, StarOffice, and wine are available for free or at a low cost. Linux companies and hardware manufacturers have made great advancements in hardware support for Linux and today Linux will support most hardware devices. Many of the Linux variants and many Linux programs are open source and enable users to customize or modify the code however they wish to. Although it may be more difficult to find users familiar with all Linux variants, there are vast amounts of available online documentation and help, available books, and support availa ble for Linux. Mac OS Mac OS is a series of graphical user interface-based operating systems developed by Apple Inc. for their Macintosh line of computer systems. Mac OS is credited with popularizing the graphical user interface. The original form of what Apple now calls OS X was the integral and unnamed system software first introduced in 1984 with the original Macintosh, and referred to simply as the System software. Apple deliberately sought to minimize the users conceptual awareness of the operating system: Tasks which required more operating system knowledge on other systems would be accomplished by intuitive mouse gestures and simple graphic controls on a Macintosh, making the system more user-friendly and easily mastered. This would differentiate it from then current systems such as MS-DOS which were more technically challenging to operate. The core of the system software was held in ROM, with updates provided free of charge by Apple dealers (on floppy disk). The users involvement in an upgrade of the operating system was also minimized to running an installer, or simply replacing system files, the simplicity of which again differentiated the product from others. Mac OS is not susceptible to the virus. Designed with security oriented, Mac OS is not plagued by constant attacks from PC viruses and malware. But neither will slow you down with constant security alerts and other interruptions. High performance, especially on Mac OS X with the latest Intel Processors and other innovations, the Mac can do all things that only Macs can do with amazing speed. User friendly, GUI with a very attractive appearance, making the Mac OS as one of the OS are in great demand especially by graphic designers and for those just learning the computer. Mac cannot be assembled because Apple is not giving license to other companies to make hardware that can use the Mac OS. Software on the Mac OS is not so complete. Influence the dominance of Microsoft Windows for years have been very familiar to user s and are reluctant to adapt to the new OS. The same rational is also the reason for the abundance of recent applications to the Windows system requirements. Cost is very expansive. Mostly is only useful for graphic designers. Cannot be used in conjunction. The software is incomplete and not suitable to play the game because it looks less good. Conclusion Every operating system is a successfully creation because it all operating well and keep on developing and update it help human a lot. Nowadays computer is part of our humans, almost everything occurs in our daily life is using computerized. Every different operating system has its own plus and minus points. There was no The Best but only will The Only. Different operating system works well with different people, is all depending on the usage of the people.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Superstructure Preliminary Design Report

Superstructure Preliminary Design Report Two superstructure design options for the warehouse have been considered and discussed for the chosen layout, for the first design which is a portal frame and the other is a trusses structure. And all the materials were used in steelwork which are in S355. Design option one For this design option, simple portal frame are used as the main structural design and the frame contains 10 bays, each of them are 6m wide and 17m total length. This give a total area of 102m2 per bay which is satisfy the minimum requirement of the bay area of 85m2 at the beginning of the design brief. The height of the top of the column is 6m and the highest point of the roof is 6.9m which is using 6 degrees for designing the portal frame and which is satisfies the minimum floor to ceiling height of 6m at the beginning of the design brief as well. For the Section sizing, Loading calculations have been completed, and a size for each member has been chosen based on the loads acting on the structure. For the rafter, all secondary beams, (this includes the beams between columns, and the ridge beam), a section size of 356x171x45 UKB has been chosen. It has been assumed that the columns are unrestrained; this choice may be revised in the future. Under this assumption, along with the loading conditions, a section size of 533x210x22 UKB has been chosen for each column. Moreover, the diagonal cross spacing was used for the bracing design in order to maintain the stability of the whole structure under the wind loading and has been sized by using the load calculation conditions, a section size of 60x60x8 UKA has been chosen for all bracing on the roof. Furthermore, haunches with 10% of the span of the rafter long which to touch between each column and the corner of the rafter which mainly use to obtain the effect of hogging. Advantages: The main braces of the structure located on the roof of the portal frame that gives more cavity in between columns. In other words, it gives more options for the locations of the gates for the lorries to drop off. On the other hand, more fire exit can be set. As the roof make angles with both front and side of the structure, the brace on the roof can undertake wind pressure in both directions. In which, less brace is held in front and side of it. This cost less time and cost to construct. The whole structure is design to make with steel beams. This gives the structure with higher strength compare with concrete beams and columns. Between columns and columns, they have equal spaces. This led them to share the same amount to compression. The columns will share the same displacement during deformation. Easier approximation while the structure collapses. As each portal frame share the same structure, it spends less time to construct. Pin joints are used as the support on the bottom of each columns instead of fixed support, the columns of the structure undergo lesser banding moments. A vertical brace is held on the last part of the structure, it supports the brace on the roof. In other words, the materials use to make brace on the roof can be reduced. Two extra columns have been placed at both ends of the portal frame in order to support the end-span, as both end-spans do not have secondary beams either side to help stabilise the rafters in these sections. Disadvantages: While the main braces are on the top of the roof, the columns have to support higher load. The only vertical brace may block the space in between the columns. The main entrance may have to move. Design option two The second design option utilises a Pratt-pattern truss between the columns of each bay to replace a rafter with a haunch. Same as the first design, the frame contains 8 bays, each 6m wide and with a total length of 17m; giving a total area of 102m2 per bay which is satisfy the minimum requirement of the bay area of 85m2 at the beginning of the design brief. The height of the top of the column is 6m and the highest point of the roof is 6.9m which is using 6 degrees for designing the portal frame and which is satisfies the minimum floor to ceiling height of 6m at the beginning of the design brief as well. This design has no bracing as the truss can be afford for the lateral load to maintain the stability of the structure, attained from the use of a truss is sufficient enough to invalidate the use of bracing elsewhere in this particular design. Two extra columns have been placed at both end trusses in order to support the end-span, as both end-spans do not have secondary beams at either side of the truss to help stabilise them. The struts in the trusses are to be connected to the tie beam and rafter using gusset plates and bolts; and the bracing attached to the rafters using the same method. For the Section sizing, Loading calculations have been completed, and a size for each member has been chosen based on the loads acting on the structure. For the rafter, all secondary beams, (this includes the beams between columns, and the ridge beam), a section size of 356x171x45 UKB has been chosen. It has been assumed that the columns are unrestrained; this choice may be revised in the future. Under this assumption, along with the loading conditions, a section size of 533x210x22 UKB has been chosen for each column. Advantages The design has large amount of trusses set on top of the structure. It can from the side of the structure. The whole structure is design to make with steel beams. This gives the structure with higher strength compare with concrete beams and columns. As no vertical brace with the structure to the bottom, this allow extra lorry loading gates. Other than that, flexible fire exits can be set. Equal spacing within columns and columns, this lead to share the same amount to compression. The columns will share the same displacement during deformation. Easier approximation while the structure collapses. Pin joints are used as the support on the bottom of each columns instead of fixed support, the columns of the structure undergo lesser banding moments. Disadvantages As the trusses held on the top of the structure, it gives extra load on the column. Thicker columns have to be used. The cost is relatively high due to the following reasons: -Lot of connections with that trusses -More materials are used -More complied structure, harder to construct While space on the upper part uses as trusses, lesser goods can be stored, it may decrease the efficiency of the portal frame. Construction is time consuming as it has complicated structure. The calculations of the initial loading input Basic values Determine the basic wind velocity (For simplification the directional factor cdir and the seasonal factor cseason are in general equal to 1.0) 2 Basic velocity pressure Where 2 Peak Pressure Calculation of = (mean wind velocity) Where , 2 Calculation of turbulence intensity ( So, Imposed load Wind load(0 degree) Roof cladding, insulation and services Snow load UKC 533x210x92 (Unrestrained column) UKB 356x171x45 (Rafter secondary beam) UKA 60x60x8 (bracing) magnitude 0.6 0.871 1.5 0.6 92 45 7.09 unit kN/m2 kN/m3 kN/m2 kN/m2 kg/m kg/m kg/m length 4.8m 4.8m 4.8m 4.8m 6m 8.5475m 10.443m Initial load 2.88 kN/m 4.181kN/m 7.2kN/m 2.88kN/m 5.41512kN 0.44145kN 0.06955kN Combination Variable Variable Permanent Permanent Permanent Properties Unfavorable favorable characteristic values 1 1.5 1.5 1.1 1.5 1.1 0.9 1.35 characteristic values 2 1.5 1.5 1.35 1.5 1.35 1 1.35 characteristic values 3 1.3 1.3 1 1.3 1 1 1.5 Total load 1 4.32 kN/m 6.270912 kN/m 7.92 kN/m 4.32kN/m 5.956632 kN 0.397305 kN 0.093896415 kN Total load 2 4.32 kN/m 6.270912 kN/m 9.72 kN/m 4.32 kN/m 7.310412 kN 0.44145 kN 0.093896415 kN Total load 3 3.744 kN/m 5.4347904 kN/m 7.2 kN/m 3.744 kN/m 5.41512 kN 0.44145 kN 0.10432935 kN All the load calculation was took the total load 2 which got the largest value for the worst case. The approximate price calculations for both designs Design 1 The following table shows the materials used of the design; Size of steel Length(m) Quantity Usage UB 533x210x92 6 22 Column UB 356x171x45 8.54751 22 Roof UB 356x171x45 4.8 30 Roof UA 60x60x8 9.8 40 brace UA 60x60x8 7.68375 4 brace Total weight: Size of steel kg/m Total length(m) Total weight UB 533x210x92 92.1 132 12157.2 UB 356x171x45 45 332.04522 14942.0349 UA 60x60x8 7.089 536 3799.704 Total weight of steel =30900kg= 34ton Assuming price of steel is  £700 per ton, cost of the steel used =  £23800 Other than that, joints within the structure are also coincided. M16 bolts in each joint Number of joints Total number of M16 bolts 8 140 1120 Assuming price of each M16 bolt is  £2, cost of bolts used = £2240 Total cost of the structure is around  £26040 Design 2 Size of steel Length(m) Quantity Usage UB 533x210x92 6 22 column UB 356x171x45 4.8 40 Truss UB 356x171x45 1.7 110 Truss UB 356x171x45 8.6 22 Truss UB 356x171x45 2.3 22 Truss UB 356x171x45 2.4 22 Truss UB 356x171x45 2.5 22 Truss UB 356x171x45 2.7 22 Truss UB 356x171x45 2.8 22 Truss UB 356x171x45 1.7 22 Truss UB 356x171x45 1.9 22 Truss UB 356x171x45 2 22 Truss UB 356x171x45 2.2 22 Truss UB 356x171x45 2.4 11 Truss Size of steel kg/m Total length(m) Total weight UB 533x210x92 92.1 132 12157.2 UB 356x171x45 45 1045.6 47052 Total weight of steel = 59200kg =65.26 ton Assuming price of steel is  £700 per ton, price of the steel used =  £45700 Other than that, joints within the structure are also coincided. M16 bolts in each joint Number of joints Total number of M16 bolts 8 242 1936 Assuming price of each M16 bolt is  £2, cost of bolts used = £3872 Total cost of the structure is around  £3872. End of paper

Thursday, September 19, 2019

A Wish of Rain :: Essays Papers

A Wish of Rain "Close your eyes and imagine," he told us. "Imagine it is late at night. A train pulls up to the place where you are standing. The doors open and the hundreds of people who were standing inside begin to jump down. A young Jewish boy of sixteen and his family are among this tired, hungry, beaten crowd. Eventually, they are separated into two lines; the boy and his father are pushed into one line, his mother and sister into the other. Then they are marched off into the night. "I was never to see my mother and sister again. I was in the line to live." The speaker, a survivor of the Holocaust, told his story and many more one bright, warm summer day at Birkenau, a concentration camp in Poland. His audience of American students listened enthralled and horrified as he told of his struggles to stay alive in the camp during World War II, the struggles of six million Jews caught up in the terror. I remember wishing it would rain. That day at Birkenau held no warmth or brightness. It was a day of realizations and acceptances. In a way, it marked a passage from innocence and naivety to a greater understanding of human nature. For me, there were no more denials. I had always known about the Holocaust, even before I took the literature course that would bring me to Poland, yet deep-down I could never truly accept it. I found it difficult to believe that one man in his hatred of all that was good and decent could condemn a people to death or that a nation could stand blindly by and let it happen. I wanted to believe in human compassion and understanding. Thus, it was easy to pretend that the stories were exaggerated or sensationalized. Now, I feel as though I know too much. I never thought I could get so emotionally involved, but after living closely with it for three weeks, I could not help but become involved. It became increasingly more difficult to deny or to remain detached once the truth began to unfold. I did not like the feelings it evoked in me or the unanswered questions it left me with. My mind balked. Yet, to run my hand over the wooden bunks in the barracks, to walk on the same hard-packed earth, to look out over barbed-wire fences and empty guard towers and just to know that I stood in the spot where they breathed their last, I believed.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Virginia Woolfs To The Lighthouse Essay -- To The Lighthouse Essays

     Ã‚  Ã‚   She was not inventing; she was only trying to smooth out something she had been given years ago folded up; something she had seen. For   in the rough and tumble of daily life, with all those children about, all those visitors, one had constantly a sense of repetition-of one thing falling where another had fallen, and so setting up an echo which chimed in the air and made it full of vibrations. (199)    What causes that crumpling? What makes the accumulated images fold up over the years? How can one smooth out the folds? These are the pivotal questions raised in the above passage, which captures the central exploration in Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse.   Change and chaos create folds in Lily's life. She clings to images of Mrs. Ramsay as an iron. "For there are moments when one can neither think nor feel," (Woolf 193), but even in the agony of intense change, one can always see. Like a muse, Mrs. Ramsay's lasting presence inspires Lily to create a painting that irons out the folds.   Lily eventually accepts some distance from Mrs. Ramsay, as well, which becomes another liberating step in the process of smoothing out her jagged soul. When those images are rediscovered, and sometimes re-invented, change is produced. Ultimately, Lily is released from the past, while smoothing out the creases.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Lily's ambivalent feelings toward Mrs. Ramsay make her life creased and conflicted: "Lily feels forced to choose between rejecting the beloved mothering figure or becoming again a panicky, dependent child whose poor self-image undermines her ability to have a vision of her own" (Caramagno 253).   She tends toward the position as dependent child because it brings permanence, but she vacillat... To the Lighthouse."   Philological Quarterly. 14 April 2002 <>. Lilienfeld, Jane. "Where the Spear Plants Grew."   New Feminist Essays on Virginia Woolf.   Ed. Jane Marcus. London: Macmillan Press, 1981. Mepham, John. Criticism in Focus. New York, NY: St. Martin's Press, 1992. Minogue, Sally. "Was it a vision? Structuring emptiness in To the Lighthouse." Journal of Modern Literature. 12 April 2002 <>. Rosenman, Ellen Bayuk. The Invisible Presence: Virginia Woolf and the Mother-Daughter Relationship. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1986. Stewart, Jack. "A 'Need of Distance and Blue': Space, Color, and Creativity in To the  Ã‚  Ã‚   Lighthouse." Twentieth Century Literature 12 April 2002 <>.   

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Let’s Move

Tina Allen Mrs. Garton English 101 24NEV 6:30-9:15 3 Dec, 2012 Let’s Move Our society has changed over the past 40 years. Everyone is busier with their families, church, careers, sports or other extracurricular activities. We have become so busy it is easier to grab food on the go, between children’s schedules, personal responsibilities, or whatever the situation. Cooking and family meals do not happen as often, if ever. The effects of continuous eating on the run are hazardous to our health. Consistent greasy foods can clog arteries, high salt intake causes blood pressure problems, and the biggest effect of all is obesity.Webster’s Dictionary defines obesity as a condition characterized by the excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body. Over the past 40 years, obesity has quadrupled. Obesity has become one of the most dangerous health risks in the United States. Our future children eat more unhealthy food, and get less exercise in today’s socie ty. The First Lady, Michelle Obama, has championed the social program â€Å"anti-obesity campaign† which is aimed at children, families, schools, and the food industry. This campaign is aimed to improve the food in schools. According to Janie Duffy , OPAA! ood manager for the Nevada R-5 school district, this year marked the debut of new federal requirements for school lunches. Under the new rules, there are five meal components: meat or meat substitute, grain, fruits, vegetables, and milk. Duffy reported that under the new guidelines, food costs more. She also reported that more children are bringing their lunches from home. Joy Hawks a Nevada R-5 board member said, â€Å"It’s a matter of redirecting kids to try different things. † However, in the 1950’s, ‘60’s, ‘70’s, and even in the ‘80’s obesity was not a major issue.The children were taught to use their imagination, and enjoy the out doors. Being overweight was n ot one of the leading health issues. The Nevada R-5 school district did fix nutritious meals with the five basic food groups. Of course, there was not all the electronics that are available today. The people used their imaginations more, families rode bikes on the weekends, or they spent time with family. Obesity was not an issue. Parents cooked healthy nutritious meals at home, and families had their dinner schedule, which never wavered.According to NHANES, National Health and Nutrition Survey, obesity began rising in the early 1990’s. The surveys are designed by: Gender, Age, Socio Economics, Racial/Ethnic, and Geographical Characteristics. However, several different variations have to be factored into the surveys. We are all designed different. Therefor every person’s BMI, Body Mass Index, is different. Biological and genetic influences also aid in obesity. Constant body weight can be maintained only if energy intake and expenditure are properly balanced over ong pe riods of time (Woods & Seeley, 2005).

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Twilight Saga 2: New Moon Chapter 22 FLIGHT

DEMETRI LEFT US IN THE CHEERFULLY OPULENT RECEPTION area, where the woman Gianna was still at her post behind the polished counter. Bright, harmless music tinkled from hidden speakers. â€Å"Do not leave until dark,† he warned us. Edward nodded, and Demetri hurried away. Gianna did not seem at all surprised by the exchange, though she did eye Edward's borrowed cloak with shrewd speculation. â€Å"Are you all right?† Edward asked under his breath, to low for the human woman to hear. His voice was roughif velvet can be roughwith anxiety. Still stressed by our situation, I imagined. â€Å"You'd better make her sit before she falls,† Alice said. â€Å"She's going to pieces.† It was only then that I realize I was shaking, shaking hard, my entire frame vibrating until my teeth chattered and the room around me seemed to wobble and blur in my eyes. For one wild second, I wondered if this was how Jacob felt just before exploding into a werewolf. I heard a sound that didn't make sense, a strange, ripping counterpart to the otherwise cheery background music. Distracted by the shaking, I couldn't tell where it was coming from. â€Å"Shh, Bella, shh,† Edward said as he pulled me to the sofa farthest away from the curious human at the desk. â€Å"I think she's having hysterics. Maybe you should slap her,† Alice suggested. Edward threw a frantic glance at her. Then I understood. Oh. The noise was me. The ripping sound was the sobs coming from my chest. That's what was shaking me. â€Å"It's all right, you're safe, it's all right,† he chanted again and again. He pulled ne onto his lap and tucked the thick wool cloak around me, protecting me from his cold skin. I knew it was stupid to react like this. Who knew how much time I had to look at his race? He was saved, and I was saved, and he could leave me as soon as we were free. To have my eyes so filled with tears that I could not see his features clearly was wastefulinsanity. But, behind my eyes where the tears could not wash the image away, I could still see the panicked face of the tiny woman with the rosary. â€Å"All those people,† I sobbed. â€Å"I know,† he whispered. â€Å"It's so horrible.† â€Å"Yes, it is. I wish you hadn't had to see that.† I rested my head against his cold chest, using the thick cloak to wipe my eyes. I took a few deep breaths, trying to calm myself. â€Å"Is there anything I can get you?† a voice asked politely. It was Gianna, leaning over Edward's shoulder with a look that was both concerned and yet still professional and detached at the same time. It didn't seem to bother her that her face was inches from a hostile vampire. She was either totally oblivious, or very good at her job. â€Å"No,† Edward answered coldly. She nodded, smiled at me, and then disappeared. I waited until she was out of hearing range. â€Å"Does she know what's going on here?† I demanded, my voice low and hoarse. I was getting control of myself, my breathing evening out. â€Å"Yes. She knows everything,† Edward told me. â€Å"Does she know they're going to kill her someday?† â€Å"She's knows it's a possibility,† he said. That surprised me. Edward's face was hard to read. â€Å"She's hoping they'll decide to keep her.† I felt the blood leave my face. â€Å"She wants to be one of them?† He nodded once, his eyes sharp on my face, watching my reaction. I shuddered. â€Å"How can she want that?† I whispered, more to myself than really looking for an answer. â€Å"How can she watch those people file through to that hideous room and want to be a part of that?† Edward didn't answer. His expression twisted in response to something I'd said. As I stared at his too beautiful face, trying to understand the change, it suddenly struck me that I was really here, in Edward's arms, however fleetingly, and that we were notat this exact momentabout to be killed. â€Å"Oh, Edward,† I cried, and I was sobbing again. It was such a stupid reaction. The tears were too thick for me to see his face again, and that was inexcusable. I only had until sunset for sure. Like a fairy tale again, with deadlines that ended the magic. â€Å"What's wrong?† he asked, still anxious, rubbing my back with gentle pats. I wrapped my arms around his neckwhat was the worst he could do? Just push me awayand hugged myself closer to him. â€Å"Is it really sick for me to be happy right now?† I asked. My voice broke twice. He didn't push me away. He pulled me tight against his ice-hard chest, so tight it was hard to breathe, even with my lungs securely intact. â€Å"I know exactly what you mean,† he whispered. â€Å"But we have lots of reasons to be happy. For one, we're alive.† â€Å"Yes,† I agreed. â€Å"That's a good one.† â€Å"And together,† he breathed. His breath was so sweet it made my head swim. I just nodded, sure that he did not place the same weight on that consideration as I did. â€Å"And, with any luck, we'll still be alive tomorrow.† â€Å"Hopefully,† I said uneasily. â€Å"The outlook is quite good,† Alice assured me. She'd been so quiet, I'd almost forgotten her presence. â€Å"I'll see Jasper in less than twenty-four hours,† she added in a satisfied tone. Lucky Alice. She could trust her future. I couldn't keep my eyes off of Edward's face for long. I stared at him, wishing more than anything that the future would never happen. That this moment would last forever, or, if it couldn't, that I would stop existing when it did. Edward stared right back at me, his dark eyes soft, and it was easy to pretend that he felt the same way. So that's what I did. I pretended, to make the moment sweeter. His fingertips traced the circles under my eyes. â€Å"You look so tired.† â€Å"And you look thirsty,† I whispered back, studying the purple bruises under his black irises. He shrugged. â€Å"It's nothing.† â€Å"Are you sure? I could sit with Alice,† I offered, unwilling; I'd rather he killed me now than move one inch from where I was. â€Å"Don't be ridiculous.† He sighed; his sweet breath caressed my face. â€Å"I've never been in better control of that side of my nature than right now.† I had a million questions for him. One of them bubbled to my lips now, but I held my tongue. I didn't want to ruin the moment, as imperfect as it was, here in this room that made me sick, under the eyes of the would-be monster. Here in his arms, it was so easy to fantasize that he wanted me. I didn't want to think about his motivations nowabout whether he acted this way to keep me calm while we were still in danger, or if he just felt guilty for where we were and relieved that he wasn't responsible for my death. Maybe the time apart had been enough that I didn't bore him for the moment. But it didn't matter. I was so much happier pretending. I lay quiet in his arms, re-memorizing his face, pretending He stared at my face like he was doing the same, while he and Alice discussed how to get home. Their voices were so quick and low that I knew Gianna couldn't understand. I missed half of it myself. It sounded like more theft would be involved, though. I wondered idly if the yellow Porsche had made it back to its owner yet. â€Å"What was all that talk about singers?† Alice asked at one point. â€Å"La tua cantante,† Edward said. His voice made the words into music. â€Å"Yes, that,† Alice said, and I concentrated for a moment. I'd wondered about that, too, at the time. I felt Edward shrug around me. â€Å"They have a name for someone who smells the way Bella does to me. They call her my singerbecause her blood sings for me.† Alice laughed. I was tired enough to sleep, but I fought against the weariness. I wasn't going to miss a second of the time I had with him. Now and then, as he talked with Alice, he would lean down suddenly and kiss mehis glass-smooth lips brushing against my hair, my forehead, the tip of my nose. Each time it was like an electric shock to my long dormant heart. The sound of its beating seemed to fill the entire room. It was heavenright smack in the middle of hell. I lost track of the time completely. So when Edward's arms tightened around me, and both he and Alice looked to the back of the room with wary eyes, I panicked. I cringed into Edward's chest as Alechis eyes now a vivid ruby, but still spotless in his light gray suit despite the afternoon mealwalked through the double doors. It was good news. â€Å"You're free to leave now,† Alec told us, his tone so warm you'd think we were all lifelong friends. â€Å"We ask that you don't linger in the city.† Edward made no answering pretence; his voice was ice cold. â€Å"That won't be a problem.† Alec smiled, nodded, and disappeared again. â€Å"Follow the right hallway around the corner to the first set of elevators,† Gianna told us as Edward helped me to my feet. â€Å"The lobby is two floors down, and exits to the street. Goodbye, now,† she added pleasantly. I wondered if her competence would be enough to save her. Alice shot her a dark look. I was relieved there was another way out; I wasn't sure if I could handle another tour through the underground. We left through a tastefully luxurious lobby. I was the only one who glanced back at the medieval castle that housed the elaborate business facade I couldn't see the turret from here, for which I was grateful. The party was still in full swing in the streets. The street lamps were just coming on as we walked swiftly through the narrow, cobbled lanes. The sky was a dull, fading gray overhead, but the buildings crowded the streets so closely that it felt darker. The party was darker, too. Edward's long, trailing cloak did not stand out in the way it might have on a normal evening in Volterra. There were others in black satin cloaks now, and the plastic fangs I'd seen on the child in the square today seemed to be very popular with the adults. â€Å"Ridiculous,† Edward muttered once. I didn't notice when Alice disappeared from beside me. I looked over to ask her a question, and she was gone. â€Å"Where's Alice?† I whispered in a panic. â€Å"She went to retrieve your bags from where she stashed them this morning.† I'd forgotten that I had access to a toothbrush. It brightened my outlook considerably. â€Å"She's stealing a car, too, isn't she?† I guessed. He grinned. â€Å"Not till we're outside.† It seemed like a very long way to the entryway. Edward could see that I was spent; he wound his arm around my waist and supported most of my weight as we walked. I shuddered as he pulled me through the dark stone archway. The huge, ancient portcullis above was like a cage door, threatening to drop on us, to lock us in. He led me toward a dark car, waiting in a pool of shadow to the right of the gate with the engine running. To my surprise, he slid into the backseat with me, instead of insisting on driving. Alice was apologetic. â€Å"I'm sorry.† She gestured vaguely toward the dashboard. â€Å"There wasn't much to choose from.† â€Å"It's fine, Alice.† He grinned. â€Å"They can't all be 911 Turbos.† She sighed. â€Å"I may have to acquire one of those legally. It was fabulous.† â€Å"I'll get you one for Christmas,† Edward promised. Alice turned to beam at him, which worried me, as she was already speeding down the dark and curvy hillside at the same time. â€Å"Yellow,† she told him. Edward kept me tight in his arms. Inside the gray cloak, I was warm and comfortable. More than comfortable. â€Å"You can sleep now, Bella,† he murmured. â€Å"It's over.† I knew he meant the danger, the nightmare in the ancient city, but I still had to swallow hard before I could answer. â€Å"I don't want to sleep. I'm not tired.† Just the second part was a lie. I wasn't about to close my eyes. The car was only dimly lit by the dashboard controls, but it was enough that I could see his face. He pressed his lips to the hollow under my ear. â€Å"Try,† he encouraged. I shook my head. He sighed. â€Å"You're still just as stubborn.† I was stubborn; I fought with my heavy lids, and I won. The dark road was the hardest part; the bright lights at the airport in Florence made it easier, as did the chance to brush my teeth and change into clean clothes; Alice bought Edward new clothes, too, and he left the dark cloak on a pile of trash in an alley. The plane trip to Rome was so short that there wasn't really a chance for the fatigue to drag me under. I knew the flight from Rome to Atlanta would be another matter entirely, so I asked the flight attendant if she could bring me a Coke. â€Å"Bella,† Edward said disapprovingly. He knew my low tolerance for caffeine. Alice was behind us. I could hear her murmuring to Jasper on the phone. â€Å"I don't want to sleep,† I reminded him. I gave him an excuse that was believable because it was true. â€Å"If I close my eyes now, I'll see things I don't want to see. I'll have nightmares.† He didn't argue with me after that. It would have been a very good time to talk, to get the answers I neededneeded but not really wanted; I was already despairing at the thought of what I might hear. We had an uninterrupted block of tirre ahead of us, and he couldn't escape me on an airplanewell, not easily, at least. No one would hear us except Alice; it was late, and most of the passengers were turning off lights and asking for pillows in muted voices. Talk would help me fight off the exhaustion. But, perversely, I bit my tongue against the flood of questions. My reasoning was probably flawed by exhaustion, but I hoped that by postponing the discussion, I could buy a few more hours with him at some later timespin this out for another night, Scheherazade-style. So I kept drinking soda, and resisting even the urge to blink. Edward seemed perfectly content to hold me in his arms, his fingers tracing my face again and again. I touched his face, too. I couldn't stop myself, though I was afraid it would hurt me later, when I was alone again. He continued to kiss my hair, my forehead, my wrists but never my lips, and that was good. After all, how many ways can one heart be mangled and still be expected to keep beating? I'd lived through a lot that should have finished me in the last few days, but it didn't make me feel strong. Instead, I felt horribly fragile, like one word could shatter me. Edward didn't speak. Maybe he was hoping I would sleep. Maybe he had nothing to say. I won the fight against my heavy lids. I was awake when we reached the airport in Atlanta, and I even watched the sun beginning to rise over Seattle's cloud cover before Edward slid the window shut. I was proud of myself. I hadn't missed one minute. Neither Alice nor Edward was surprised by the reception that waited for us at Sea-Tac airport, but it caught me off guard. Jasper was the first one I sawhe didn't seem to see me at all. His eyes were only for Alice. She went quickly to his side; they didn't embrace like other couples meeting there. They only stared into each other's faces, yet, somehow, the moment was so private that I still felt the need to look away. Carlisle and Esme waited in a quiet corner far from the line for the metal detectors, in the shadow of a wide pillar. Esme reached for me, hugging me fiercely, yet awkwardly, because Edward kept his arms around me, too. â€Å"Thank you so much,† she said in my ear. Then she threw her arms around Edward, and she looked like she would be crying if that were possible. â€Å"Youwill never put me through :hat again,† she nearly growled. Edward grinned, repentant. â€Å"Sorry, Mom.† â€Å"Thank you, Bella,† Carlisle said. â€Å"We owe you.† â€Å"Hardly,† I mumbled. The sleepless night was suddenly overpowering. My head felt disconnected from my body. â€Å"She's dead on her feet,† Esme scolded Edward. â€Å"Let's get her home.† Not sure if home was what I wanted at this point, I stumbled, half-blind, through the airport, Edward dragging me on one side and Esme on the other. I didn't know if Alice and Jasper were behind us or not, and I was too exhausted to look. I think I was mostly asleep, though I was still walking, when we reached their car. The surprise of seeing Emmett and Rosalie leaning against the black sedan under the dim lights of the parking garage revived me some. Edward stiffened. â€Å"Don't,† Esme whispered. â€Å"She feels awful.† â€Å"She should,† Edward said, making no attempt to keep his voice down. â€Å"It's not her fault,† I said, my words garbled with exhaustion. â€Å"Let her make amends,† Esme pleaded. â€Å"We'll ride with Alice and Jasper.† Edward glowered at the absurdly lovely blond vampire waiting for us. â€Å"Please, Edward,† I said. I didn't want to ride with Rosalie any more than he seemed to, but I'd caused more than enough discord in his family. He sighed, and towed me toward the car. Emmett and Rosalie got in the front seat without speaking, while Edward pulled me in the back again. I knew I wasn't going to be able to fight my eyelids anymore, and I laid my head against his chest in defeat, letting them close. I felt the car purr to life. â€Å"Edward,† Rosalie began. â€Å"I know.† Edward's brusque tone was not generous. â€Å"Bella?† Rosalie asked softly. My eyelids fluttered open in shock. It was the first time she'd ever spoken directly to me. â€Å"Yes, Rosalie?† I asked, hesitant. â€Å"I'm so very sorry, Bella. I feel wretched about every part of this, and so grateful that you were brave enough to go save my brother after what I did. Please say you'll forgive me.† The words were awkward, stilted because of her embarrassment, but they seemed sincere. â€Å"Of course, Rosalie,† I mumbled, grasping at any chance to make her hate me a little less. â€Å"It's not your fault at all. I'm the one who jumped off the damn cliff. Of course I forgive you.† The words came out like mush. â€Å"It doesn't count until she's conscious, Rose,† Emmett chuckled. â€Å"I'm conscious,† I said; it just sounded like a garbled sigh. â€Å"Let her sleep,† Edward insisted, but his voice was a little warmer. It was quiet then, except for the gentle thrum of the engine. I must have fallen asleep, because it seemed like seconds later when the door opened and Edward was carrying me from the car. My eyes wouldn't open. At first I thought we were still at the airport. And then I heard Charlie. â€Å"Bella!† he shouted from some distance. â€Å"Charlie,† I mumbled, trying to shake off the stupor. â€Å"Shh,† Edward whispered. â€Å"It's okay; you're home and safe. Just sleep.† â€Å"I can't believe you have the nerve to show your face here.† Charlie bellowed at Edward, his voice much closer now. â€Å"Stop it, Dad,† I groaned. He didn't hear me. â€Å"What's wrong with her?† Charlie demanded. â€Å"She's just very tired, Charlie,† Edward assured him quietly. â€Å"Please let her rest.† â€Å"Don't tell me what to do!† Charlie yelled. â€Å"Give her to me. Get your hands off her!† Edward tried to pass me to Charlie, but I clung to him with locked, tenacious fingers. I could feel my dad yanking on my arm. â€Å"Cut it out, Dad,† I said with more volume. I managed to drag my lids back to stare at Charlie with bleary eyes. â€Å"Be mad at me.† We were in front of my house. The front door was standing open. The cloud cover overhead was too thick to guess at a time of day. â€Å"You bet I will be,† Charlie promised. â€Å"Get inside.† i'†Kay. Let me down,† I sighed. Edward set me on my feet. I could see that I was upright, but I couldn't feel my legs. I trudged forward anyway, until the sidewalk swirled up toward my face. Edward's arms caught me before I hit the concrete. â€Å"Just let me get her upstairs,† Edward said. â€Å"Then I'll leave.† â€Å"No,† I cried, panicking. I hadn't got my answers yet. He had to stay for at least that much, didn't he? â€Å"I won't be far,† Edward promised, whispering so low in my ear that Charlie didn't have a hope of hearing. I didn't hear Charlie answer, but Edward headed into the house. My open eyes only made it till the stairs. The last thing I felt was Edward's cool hands prying my fingers loose from his shirt.

Sunday, September 15, 2019


How is the IKEA operations design different from that of most furniture retail operations? IKEA is known as one of the world’s largest furniture retailer that focuses highly on cost control, operational process and product development. IKEA differentiates itself from most furniture retailers by offering a wide range of well designed array of home furniture at very attractive prices that remain affordable to a large group of diverse customers. There are some unique features of IKEA as compared to most furniture retail stores (IKEA, 2012) Self – Service’ (minimal service or influence from sales person) Details of all products are made ubiquitous in the showroom thus making sales assistance unnecessary which this in return helps to reduce the hiring cost of labor. Layout of Products (product exposure) Ikea stores are designed in a one-way ‘walk-through layout’ that requires customers to be exposed to the entire products which is unlike from most furnitu re retail stores where by customers may choose to go directly to the section they preferred.Hence, the flow allows increased efficiency from entering the showroom, selecting of products to lastly making payments. Furniture Most of Ikea products are self – assembled products, this helps to reduce the costs of shipping as higher volume of bulk packaging can be done. Unlike most furniture retail stores where free delivery and assembly is given, additional charges apply if fixing of product is required by the customers. Lastly, four dimensions of operations (Volume, Variety, Variation and Visibility) will be used to determine the differences between IKEA operations to that of most furniture retail stores.High Volume – IKEA’s operations are of very large scale, major land space and huge car parks are developed to cater to all customers, everything about the design of IKEA’s operations encourages high volume of throughput as compared to most furniture retail st ores (IKEA, 2012). High Variety of product but Low Variety of service – The variety of products showcase in IKEA is much more than most furniture retail stores, from small items such as kitchen appliances to large items such as tables.However, as far as the variety of service is concerned it is relatively narrow. Most products are self – assembled and there is no sales person to provide any service to the customers, leaving themselves to figure out and make their own decision for the purchase. High Variation on demand – Public holidays and weekends usually attracts more crowded as compared to normal week days, hence result in high variation.However, there will not be any difficulty of getting part-time staff into IKEA during the peak period as the operations in IKEA are well designed. Unlike most retail store which require staff with specific expertise that requires time to hire. Low Visibility – Customer contact is high in certain extend, but overall it is lower than most furniture retail stores considering most of the things are done (‘self-service’) solely by the customers from the start till it reaches the point of payment where it is also a standardized process by IKEA.This ultimately reduces the costs of the transaction as far as IKEA is concerned. What do you think might be the major problems in running an operation like IKEA? Having such huge variety and high volume of product being transacted, it may be tough for them to manage the inventory for all items. Shipping of high volume bulk items may take time and IKEA may face stock-out period, hence their operations planning has to be done and calculated accurately.As all sales are done on ‘self-serviced’ manner, it may not create a great shopping experience as compared to most retail stores where sales person are able to cater a more specific and unique first-hand experience to all customers to create loyalty. Lastly, IKEA being the largest furniture retailer require a lot of natural material such as wood, which may harm the global environment (IKEA, 2012). Reference IKEA (2012) Our Vision and Business Idea. Available at: http://www. ikea. com/ms/en_SG/about_ikea/the_ikea_way/our_business_idea/index. html (Accessed 29 January 2013)